It’s Time for You to Find Romance in 2023

I’ve heard it said that you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince . . . Well . . . Then my face should be covered with warts! In today’s world, online dating is the smart way, the most solid way to find romance. Men especially like dating online, and it is their choice for finding romance.

The saying, “Love needs no map because it can find its way blindfolded” is a lovely quote—but really? Maybe with a cane and a good-looking guide dog by your side . . . Hey, it’s hard to find love at any point in life, but when you’re an older woman, it gets a lot harder. But, like anything else worth getting, you have to work at it. In today’s world, online dating is the smart way, the most solid way to find romance. Men especially like dating online, and it is their choice for finding romance. Why? It’s the easiest way for them to find a date or a mate without direct, face-to-face rejection. They have spent years chasing women, and with that comes rejection. It’s a lot easier to get over rejection from a computer.

Many older women don’t go online because they are afraid of the unknown. So many single ladies tell me, “I don’t even know where to start!” They’re fearful about making mistakes from the majority of single women and men is that they do want someone constant in their life. They want that “partner in crime,” that one person they can count on in good times and in bad. “The bacon to their eggs!” A Lady and the Tramp sharing that plate of spaghetti, maybe a glass of wine, while listening to the crooning of Frank Sinatra or the sounds of a big band. And, who doesn’t want or need that Nurse Nightingale who will watch over you during the night when you’ve got a cold or the flu?

Most people would like to have a happy life of their own and be independent of their children (if you have them) financially and socially. It’s natural for someone to want their kids to know that mom is cared for and loved by someone—that they don’t have to worry about a “place for mom,” or whether she’ll live in their converted garage or an unaffordable independent-living residence.

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No mother or father wants to burden their children with the task of finding them a suitable lifestyle and having to pay for it. Maybe your children are already striving to put our grandkids through college or trying to save money for their own retirement. Possibly, you are alone as a result of losing a mate. Maybe you’ve never found one. Maybe it’s not even money that concerns you. Maybe you just like male companionship. You still have a lot of living to do, and maybe you want the comfort of a gentleman to help you enjoy it. Someone you can lean on, feel safe with and have fun with! A person worthy of what you have to offer.

Well, you can have that. I promise you: It’s out there waiting for you! It’s called online dating—no matter what your age is. It’s a vehicle, ready and waiting for you as a way to have fun and meet new people—others who are also looking to have someone special in their life. But, you need to go out and get it! It won’t just come to you.

Believe me, I know how hard it is to start this process. And, I certainly know how difficult it can be to say the right words in a profile or to put up the right pictures. When I first started online dating 11 years ago, I spent those years changing pictures and writing different types of profiles, trying to romantically market myself to the masses of men online—and there are masses of men online. And, yes, you are marketing yourself, just like you did in the old days, but in a different venue.

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