What is it about love that makes even the most sane person feel out of control? Why is it people seem to be pre-built with a desire and passion to be in love? Great philosophers have said love has the power to provide true happiness, and that love is the mechanism that makes the world turn. Whatever the underlying impulse to this drive or quest, one fact remains...love will always be a central part of our lives.
At saltyvixenstories.com it is our mission to help readers create and establish the most effortless relationships with their partners as possible. It is our goal to help couples improve their everyday life as a couple. This includes everything from handling chores to their sex life. We help readers learn the art of living together and being together. And, for readers who are not yet in a relationship, we help give them the tools to find their perfect love match from dating to breaking up.
"If you are in love then visiting saltyvixenstories.com is must for you. And if you are not in love then by visiting saltyvixenstories.com , you will definitely fall in love." -Anonymous
saltyvixenstories.com was "officially" launched May 2022. I have been a published author for over 6 years and I write erotica & poetry. I began writing erotica after my divorce. When a divorce from any relationship happens (married or not), emotions are all over the place and for me to center my emotions was always through writing. It has been proven that most erotica writers either enjoy the art or they were in a bad relationship (abused, sexually assaulted or more).
I was sexually assaulted in England 18 June 2004, that was the first time I used the words "Vixen in a Salty Situation" and later, my marriage, was abusive. When I got out of it, I grew as a person. (the full personal story why I created Salty Vixen is located here). I turned Vixen in a Salty Situation into positive and thus I became Salty Vixen.
When I began dating, I used dating apps and I have had a lot of Red Flags. These Red Flags I talk about it on here, saltyvixenstories.com and also on my S-Spot with Salty Vixen Podcast. I wanted to create an awareness. Eventually my blog grew into what it is today " Salty Vixen Stories & More"
The main purpose of the site was to become a source of support and encouragement in the growing area of online relationships.
As time passed saltyvixenstories.com grew to be a mecca of all things romantic, not just online relationships. With the help and support of our readers, saltyvixenstories.com has now turned into one the most reliable sources for romantic inspiration and advice for relationships.
Readers find a mix of saltyvixenstories.com original content to help meet their relationship needs and the 'fun' stuff, the Loverotica (erotic stories-non audio) and Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen (audio erotica). saltyvixenstories.com goal is a place to help save countless marriages, re-spark failed relationships, help singles find their way to love and has been a constant source of encouragement to millions of hopeless romantics.
I was asked if I will ever stop writing my ‘loverotica’ (non audio) stories my audio erotica as my site continues to grow? The answer is no. Magazines back in the 1990s and before always had 'erotica' stories published, along with love, sex & relationship advice. Sex is healthy. Sex stories are healthy. My site, is 'old school' and I want to keep it that way.
I will always keep this site free. There are no membership fees.
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Founder & CEO: Rachel K. (The story why I chose Salty Vixen here)
For the FULL Press Kit in PDF-9Pages, click here
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Saltyvixenstories.com is the property of Salty Vixen Publishing LLC, a private company based in USA.