Democrats Are Ruining America

Democrats are running this great nation. Open border destroys sovereignty; forcing schools to teach that there is no difference between boys and girls is an insult to science and our children’s (not to mention the parents’) intelligence. They are weaking our military by lowering our standards is not “equality”, it is stupidity and is helping our enemies.

Promoting transgender surgery on children is child abuse. Teaching children to hate themselves and America (besides being horrid) is child abuse.

These are all being promoted by the Liberals and Democrats in D.C.  All the Democrats have to offer is lies, deceit, scams and high taxes.

Democrat-run areas have unaffordable housing and poor public education. Food is expensive and is getting expensive. I also think grocery stores are raising prices purposely. At Kroger, A pack of YoCrunch were I live,  $8.99. I go to Target down the road, and the same brand and pack, is $7.19. Aldi’s had it for $7.14.

Joe Biden said that Take-home pay has gone up under is Presidency- truth is, real wages have decreased 3.5 percent since he took office. Health care affordability is getting worse under Democrats’ health care policies, including under President Biden’s watch. Health insurance premiums have increased 55 percent from 2013-2022, and more than doubled for Obamacare plans in that same period. Even Medicare premiums have increased 14 percent since President Biden took office. In fact Fox News Gives History Lesson: Calls Out Lyin’ Biden for Supporting Cuts to Social Security Medicare (yes all have been fact checked) .

On April 27, Woopie Goldberg appealed to Bible while defending sex change surgeries for minors. Let that sink in.  "The View" co-host invoked God on the show as she argued against conservative-led states seeking to ban body-mutilating sex reassignment surgeries for minors and parents who want to ban sexually explicit books from schools.

Goldberg and her co-hosts discussed how Montana Republicans this week censured Democratic lawmaker Rep. Zooey Zephyr, a biological male who identifies as female.  Republicans voted to bar Zephyr from debating SB 99, which prohibits doctors from being able to provide several surgeries for children who contend that their gender doesn't match their biological sex. 

The disciplinary action came after the Democratic lawmaker told his colleagues on April 18 that they would have "blood on their hands" if they voted to ban procedures that affirm gender-confused minors' perceptions about their sex. The decision to censure the lawmaker prompted protests inside the House chamber, leading to the arrest of seven of Zephyr's constituents on Monday. 

"My God, this is a party that says we believe in parents' rights," Goldberg said. "You're telling me that as a parent, I'm not smart enough to decide if my child and I need to have gender-affirming — or doctors are not involved." The Hollywood actress appeared to imply that Christian conservatives are dictating what books parents can allow their kids to read, a possible reference to several controversies centered around parents outraged over the reading materials made accessible to children in public schools.  "So what is — I can't decide what my kid reads, I can't decide for my child, what my child says is going on," Goldberg continued. "You're telling me your beliefs — you're — and they keep saying it, and I keep saying, 'What Bible are you reading? Because God was really clear!'"

What exactly Goldberg implied the Bible was "clear" about is unclear. This, my friends makes me angry. Does Whoopi realize (I am sure she does, as she is getting paid to say these b.s. statements.)- Liberals and Democrats so far, have made it okay to teach kids at an early age, that there are more than two genres and if a boy plays with Barbie, then he is a girl and to dress him like a girl.

Read this hot story:
Michigan Wolverines Football Legend Rescues 80-Year-Old From Attack in Farmington Hills

Liberals and Democrats think it is okay for doctors to give hormone blockers to youth, even though they youth doesn’t have a say, it is the parents that are making a decision due to social media ‘misinformation’ . In fact January 2022, Biden calls curbs on treatment for trans kids ‘outrageous,’ ‘immoral’. In fact, Biden claimed states have no right to restrict treatments like hormone blockers or sex change operations for transgender children, claiming that recent measures passed by Republican-led legislatures were based in “fear.” - Biden during Nixon administration would have probably said otherwise, but hey, he is a Democrat and our President. If a lot of money is given for whatever the agenda is, that is where Democrats (and yes Republicans too!) will promote, regardless if they believe it or not. Remember, money always talks and if you decline, then you get things that you don't want to come out in the press such as the whole Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal. Why did that come to light? All has to do with Whitewater Scandal and Clinton's involvement.

In January 1998, Tripp discovered that Lewinsky had sworn an affidavit in the Paula Jones case, denying a relationship with Clinton. She delivered tapes to Ken Starr, the independent counsel who was investigating Clinton on other matters, including the Whitewater scandal, the White House FBI files controversy, and the White House travel office controversy. During the grand jury testimony, Clinton's responses were carefully worded, and he argued "it depends on what the meaning of the word is is. I know Clinton is a Democrat- this proves, regardless of political party, once you are famous, all bets are off.

Classic books such as Charlotte’s Webb and 1984 by George Orwell..while places such as a school in England read a pro-trans book to 4 year old students.

Drag Queens teaching sex education to children.
Elon Musk finally suspended a twitter account that had a pedo flag. In 2022, USA Today faced backlash and deletes series of tweets which 'normalize' PEDOPHILIA by claiming it is 'misunderstood' and a condition 'determined in the womb' .You can’t say breastfeeding anymore, according to social media - it is chestfeeding.

The pronouns have become crazy. We have a lot of people on TikTok who are trying to force women to say “cis gender” which, the youth today doesn’t realize “Cissexual” was coined by pedophile who wanted no age limits between man & child.

The absurdity of American taxpayers giving “reparations” to black descendants of slaves, it’s hard to limit the number of objections. Apart from the fact that American slavery, though horrific, was legal; that it ended 157 years ago; that the government did not own slaves, the private sector did; that most Southerners did not own slaves; that nearly all slave owners were Democrats — so why should non-Democrats pay?; that hundreds of thousands of white Northerners lost their lives and suffered serious injuries fighting in the Civil War that ended slavery; and that today -only about 5% of whites bear “a generational guilt” to slavery — there’s the role Africa itself played. In fact, before the Civil War, more blacks were slave owners than whites. Why ins’t true history being taught in school?  

The influx of violent crime, soaring inflation rates and the ongoing migrant crisis are all the results of failed Democrat policies that have taken a toll on families across the country.

Open your eyes. America the Beautiful is worth protecting, but with the Democrats (with their colluding friends, the mainstream media, Big Tech and the Chinese Communist Party) are doing their best to destroy her. Enough (too much) already. Time to throw the Liberals Democrats out. Mainstream media  and Big Tech are promoting misinformation. The rich continue to get richer and celebrities are getting paid by the Democrats to promote hate.

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