Trans Activist Screams At SF Supervisors “Feel our pain” (Video)

A trans activist sreamed and cussed at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Tuesday in an ear-ouchie (yeah, after you watch the video, your ears will hurt as well!)  protest of the release of a security guard accused of killing a trans-identifying shoplifting suspect last week.

The activist, identified as Lia McGeever, piped up during the meeting’s public speaking portion a day after the city’s district attorney declared the Walgreens security guard acted in self-defense when he shot Banko Brown. McGeever, who was one of several citizens who came to complain about the decision, unloaded on the supervisors with a high-decibel mix of verbal and visceral vitriol.

“I hate a lot of people on this board for other reasons that led up to Banko Brown’s death,” began McGeever, who initially spoke through a COVID mask. “So often, I sort of prepare something; maybe it’s a little historical; maybe a little poetic, whatever. There’s a lot of performative people on this board who will say one thing in support of black people, homeless people, trans people, and then immediately stab you in the face, being racist, transphobic, anti-homeless.”

Shouting/declaring that “trans-genocide of this country, in this city, has brought me to” it, McGeever tore off the mask and screamed for 10 seconds, pausing to yell, “Imagine that.” The activist screamed for another five seconds, then yelled, “I hate this. I hate what you’ve done to us. I hate what you’re doing to us. I hate you, board of supervisors. I hate you, London Breed. I hate you, Jenkins.”

After screaming for another five seconds, the activist yelled, “F*** you. F***ing ay, man. F***. Cowards.”
here is the video - Look, there is a time and a place for things. Screaming and cussing isn't a way to get things done right! We need manners classes brought back into schools- just sayin'

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