Facts: Positive Things Donald Trump did when he was President

Why do people hate Trump so much? When you look at facts while he was president, we had 1.4 percent inflation. He was shot down when he suggested alternatives to untested vaccines. Biden got much of the credit for the response to COVID. A large number of deaths were from other reasons and recorded as COVID.

We had about a third of the crime we now have in the blue states. We were getting out of the war with some respect and our equipment and friends. We had enough energy for the U.S. and others. We were moving into peace and strength.

The so-called progressives loath Trump so much hate that he was elected and hate even more that he will run for President for a second term. Nothing else matters, including the country. To drag down Trump constantly and scrutinize every little detail not only is disrespectful but does a disservice to its citizens. The witch hunt the media has for him is teaching people it is okay to bully others. Is that the double standard that is happening? You teach your child not to bully others and then you go onto social media, making memes, or believing what media tells you instead of looking up the facts for yourself. Remember, media is always paid to lie.

Trump came into office vowing to repeal Obamacare — and even took the law to court when that failed in Congress. But his most significant imprint on the Affordable Care Act was an accidental boost that happened when he stumbled into pouring billions of extra federal dollars into subsidizing Americans’ coverage.

He put Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court. The last president to appoint at least three justices in his first term was Richard M. Nixon. Barrett’s confirmation secured a decisive 6-to-3 conservative majority that will affect the court’s jurisprudence for a generation, with far-reaching consequences for life, religious liberty, free speech, Second Amendment rights, the separation of powers and limited government. Trump has secured his legacy as the most important president in the modern era when it comes to shaping the judiciary.

He transformed the Middle East with the Abraham Accords. Trump brokered not one, not two, not three, but four Arab-Israeli peace accords — the first agreements in more than a quarter-century. He did it by rejecting the failed conventional wisdom of the foreign policy establishment, which said that there could be no separate peace without the Palestinians, that moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem and confronting Iran’s aggression would inflame the region and put peace out of reach. It did the opposite. The Abraham Accords are an achievement worthy of a Nobel Prize, and would rank No. 1 in a normal year. But two other Trump achievements eclipsed it.

e averted a second Great Depression with the Cares Act. When the pandemic began, economists warned that the US was barreling toward a second Great Depression. The Cares Act not only saved us from that harrowing fate, but also helped businesses come roaring back from the spring lockdowns, producing record-breaking 33.1 percent annualized GDP growth in the third quarter. In March, the conventional wisdom was that it would take years for the economy to recover. Today, thanks to Trump’s leadership, we are poised for a rapid recovery next year.

He launched Operation Warp Speed, the greatest public health achievement in history. Until now, the record for the fastest vaccine development was four years. Operation Warp Speed did it in nine months. Because of Operation Warp Speed, the worst of the pandemic should be over by the spring. For all his mistakes in managing the pandemic, Trump is also responsible for ending it.

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He imposed ban on Chinese-made drones to rolling back rules on sexual harassment, from cracking down on robocalls to letting states legalize marijuana, Trump changed some key areas of federal policy in ways that may have lasting impact well after he’s gone. Trump cut taxes, stood up to North Korea, got our manufacturing industries back and productive, isn’t influenced by big money and is a Christian. He also didn’t take part in Watergate unlike Biden and a lot of the swamp who have sat in office since the dawn of time.

It is extremely difficult to get things done when your detractors spend every waking moment trying to block you and tear you down.

Trump had to battle Rhinos, the Dems and the deep state people like McConnell and many others who don’t want their station in life to change. That is why was a good president.  I am sure you will bring up January 6th, Capitol Riot. He didn’t run the riot. In fact, there is so much we still do not know: about the direct role of Donald Trump, about any link that actually existed between the Trump camp and the protestors, about the intelligence agencies and what they really knew, about the labyrinth of federal agencies and their inadequate response, and finally, about the size of the crowd and the protestors themselves. Why were some 120,000 people there in Washington in the first place? What did they think they were going to achieve?

It was a riot because thousands forcibly disregarded police lines and violently surrounded the Capitol building. It was an insurrection because hundreds came armed, with everything from guns to pepper spray—before Donald Trump said anything—prepared to assault the Capitol and attack the government of the United States. I worked in Parliament in London, England back in 2003/4 and I remember when some of Prince William’s friends broke in Parliament (2004) , the House of Commons during a debate on the fox hunting bill the previous year...  I was there that day.

They were the "voice of the countryside" and that their actions were protected by Article 10 of the Human Rights Act, which guards the right to freedom of expression. Ferry is master of the South Shropshire hunt and was the main organizer of the protest. As thousands of pro-hunting campaigners demonstrated outside Westminster on September 15 last year, the men donned builders' outfits, including fluorescent jackets and hard hats, and told police and security they were there to do renovations. After being cleared to go through parliament's St Stephen's entrance, they dumped their disguises in a committee room and went through a broken security door and down the Ladies Stairwell.

Doorkeepers succeeded in stopping three of them getting into the chamber but four - including Ferry - emerged from behind the Speaker's chair. Tomlinson ran in from an entrance opposite the Speaker's chair. The men were all wearing white T-shirts that bore the slogan "FCUK the bill".

My point is, why didn’t security stop them in London? Why didn’t guards stop the mob on January 6th? These questions I want answered. Trump didn’t force people to go and do that, people made that decision on their own. It is funny, how the President is always the one to take the blame for things and media will continue to say he caused it - regardless if it is Trump, Biden, Clinton or Billy Joe Bob.

Want to know Trump’s accomplishments? The White House has made a list in their Archives, go read and learn before hating someone because media told you to do so:


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