10 Things That Aren’t from the 90s, You Idiots (facts/humor)

The Internet will always be in love with the 90s. There is nothing it loves more than nostalgic lists about things 90s kids remember from their 90s childhood. Well, there's a lot of seriously dumb sh*t creeping onto these lists that weren't at all from the 90s. Allow me to give some examples:

1. The 90s didn't invent school supplies, you fool

Just because you went to school in the 90s doesn't mean that all school supplies were 90s items. Yes, Lisa Frank was especially popular then, but if you go into any 5th grade classroom today, you will probably see a Lisa Frank trapper keeper.

2. The Jimmy Neutron movie came out in 2001, you goddamn moron baby

Being technically born in the 90s doesn't make everything you experienced as a child part of the 90s. That's not how time works, you dope. And, if you were excited about Jimmy Neutron in 2001, you must have been really young, too young to have actually experienced most of the things for which the 90s were known. So you should really stop talking about the 90s, even more than everyone else who should also stop talking about the 90s.

3. The original Walkman came out in 1979, you ancient hag

If you were given an original Walkman as a child, you were either being given old garbage, or it wasn't the 90s. Not all old technology is from the 90s. It might surprise your nostalgia-addled mind, but there was a time before the 90s. Most time happened before the 90s.

4. Phones with coil cords have been around since 1960

Every phone to ever have a cord like this got bent in this exact way. Considering the fact that phones with these cords came out in 1960 and cordless phones came out in 1994, statistically speaking, almost everyone who has ever been irritated by a bent phone cord wasn't a 90s kid.

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5. Wile E. Coyote came out in 1948

There are so many things wrong here. First, Wile E. Coyote is an extremely old cartoon. More importantly, the phrase, "Don't try this at home," was so widely popularized in the 90s that it became a cliche to even say. So don't go around pretending that 90s kids were smart. They didn't even know that they were watching the same fucking episode of a 50-year-old cartoon over and over again.

6. Writing notes on paper is the oldest form of communication, you buffoon

Do you actually think that 90s kids can make any claim over passing notes? Remember letters? Do you remember how ancient civilizations applied ink to paper in a way that conveyed a message and then gave it to the people they wished to see that message? Students have been passing notes since then.

7. How could you possibly think Rock, Paper, Scissors was a 90s thing?

Rock, Paper, Scissors originated in ancient Asia. This is obviously in no way a 90s thing. You can't even argue that it was more popular in the 90s than in any previous generation. Everyone, throughout this game's entire existence, has felt equally bored by it.

8. What are you talking about?

All students who have ever understood the concept of counting have done this.

9. A lack of technology isn't a 90s thing

Are you serious with this? You know who took shits without cell phones and computers? Every single person to ever exist before the invention of portable technology, you moron. What is wrong with you?

10. Fucking idiot

Did the 90s invent stupidity and the false idea amongst the generation that grew up in it that it was in some way a superior decade? No. The 90s didn't even invent that.

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