Bumble Dating APP UPDATE-BANS ghosting and More

If you are in the Dating world like I am, you know that Bumble  (I talk about Bumble all the time!) is a great app but also crappy app at the same time! So many scammers, so many people who want hookups (even when most profiles say they don't do them and many hookup folks ignore that). Bumble has some good news!

A representative for Bumble told Tech Times that users will have the capability to report inappropriate behavior within the app. 

If a report is filed, a human moderator will verify the details of the report before continuing with any necessary actions. 

The company are also said to be taking action against individuals who engage in victim-blaming, or doxxing outside the app.  Doxxing is the act of revealing information about someone online such as their home address, workplace, and other personal information. As well as doxxing and ghosting, Bumble is also said to be cracking down on the use of bots on the platform. 

Techcrunch reported that Bumble is strictly prohibiting any attempts to manipulate the app through automation or scripting.  This means that individuals that use tools like ChatGP to artificially enhance interactions will find their time on the app short lived.  The outlet also reported that Bumble had blocked over 8.2 million accounts this year alone.

In a previous help page about ghosting, the company had asked users to see it as the other person's loss. 

The message said: 'Bumble believes in being real about the imperfect nature of dating. 

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'We fully get that ghosting can be disappointing or frustrating, but sometimes it happens.

'If someone suddenly stops messaging you, see it as their loss and an opportunity to find someone better for you.' 

Founder and CEO of Bumble Whitney Wolfe Herd told Mashable: 'By holding our members accountable for their actions, it creates more accountable digital spaces and behavior. 

'We want to help people feel connected and less lonely, and safer spaces lead to better connections.