VIDEO Ben Shapiro’s Rap song ‘Facts’ With Tom MacDonald Is Full of Facts and HOT! 

photo from @benshapiro Twitter


Watch the hot video here! I have respect for artists and youtbuers. I live by "Be You. Do You & Shine". In this case, Ben Shapiro, from The Daily Wire and rapper Tom MacDonald  rleased their song "Facts" and it is now at the #1 overall spot on the iTunes charts just hours after releasing their song “Facts” on Friday.- This song is just HOT! 

The song, which goes after the establishment and mainstream media “sacred cows,” also hit the #1 spot on the hip-hop/rap chart, passing up top artists such as Megan Thee Stallion, Nicki Minaj, and Eminem. Shapiro and MacDonald’s “Facts” is “quotable verbal crossfire,” according to a press release from MacDonald. VIDEO below: and Tom and Ben- LOVE this song!! 


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