A Huge Clit Sex Story by Salty Vixen

I have an unusually large clitoris. It protrudes from my vagina lips all the time, whether I'm aroused or not. It's almost like a small penis.

A lot of men have trouble finding their lover's clit, but they can't miss mine! With such a big target, my lovers have an easy time performing cunnilingus, and I have some of the strongest, bed-shaking, screaming orgasms you can imagine.

When I'm wearing a bikini, my clit is visible beneath the fabric, sticking out like a stiff nipple. You can imagine the double-takes I get on a beach. Guys nearly get whiplash checking me out.

I'm horny almost all the time, because my clit rubs on my panties whenever I move. I can be walking down the street and with every step the friction of clothes on my clit drives me wild. It's all I can do not to reach down and masturbate.

Sometimes, if I'm wearing pants or a dress with front pockets, I stick my hand in a pocket and play with myself. It doesn't take long for me to cum, and sometimes I can't help expressing my pleasure vocally. I've gotten some very inquisitive looks from both men and women.

Last winter, I went to a secluded nude beach in the Caribbean with my boyfriend. We were lying on our backs in the tropical sun and grew very hot in more ways than one. My boyfriend was stroking my thigh and I was playing with his nipples. I could see his cock getting thick, and I knew my clit was visibly aroused.

There was another couple nearby with a good view of us, and I noticed the guy was watching intently. In fact, he was quite hard. He poked the girl he was with and gestured toward my boyfriend and me. She looked, and her mouth fell open when she saw my huge clit, which was fully erect and sticking well out from my pussy lips. She whispered something to him and they both smiled. She glanced at his cock and gave it a quick squeeze. My boyfriend and I continued to play with each other and the other couple did, also.

After awhile, they stood up and walked down to the water, which was quite calm. His cock was sticking straight out, angled up toward his belly. They walked in to about waist-deep. She wrapped her legs around him and – although we couldn't actually see it – obviously took his erection inside her and rode it hard. They both came quickly and when they walked back out of the water, they looked at us and smiled. His cock still was at half-mast and quite thick.

Another time, with a different boyfriend, we were at a party and the booze was flowing freely. As the night got late and we all shed our inhibitions, the talk naturally turned to sex. At some point, my boyfriend boasted that I had the biggest clit he'd ever seen. Nobody else at the party had seen me naked, and there was a lot of people yelling, "Yeah, sure" and "Riiight." Pretty soon, someone shouted, "Prove it!" and the dare was out.

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Double the Fun Exhibisionist Erotica Story By Salty Vixen

My boyfriend looked at me inquisitively, as if to say, "What do you think?" I shrugged my shoulders. I'd had enough to drink that I really didn't care who saw what. Plus, there was a certain amount of pride at stake: I kind of liked the fact that my clit was bigger than anyone else's.

"The only was I can prove it," I said, "is if all the other women here show theirs, too, so we can compare."

There was a lot of laughter, giggling, and shouting. But everyone was feeling little pain and it didn't take long for all the other women to agree to the "contest." It was agreed that the guys would vote on whose clit was biggest and, if there was any argument, a ruler would settle it. All the girls stripped, then we sat side-by-side along a wall with our knees up and our legs spread. All the guys made a big deal of "inspecting" and "judging" each girl's clit. There was much oohing and aahing, raucous laughing, and nervous giggling. In the end, of course, there was no question that my clit was by far the biggest.

"OK," one of the women said loudly, "the girls have shown what we've got; now, it's the guys' turn. Let's see who has the biggest cock!" It didn't take long for the guys to agree and strip naked. It was decided that there would be four contests: longest flaccid cock, thickest flaccid cock, longest erect cock, and thickest erect cock. This time, the girls were the judges and a tape measure was the final arbiter.

It was difficult to determine the flaccid winners, because by now most of the guys were in various states of arousal. The girls decided we would judge the two hard-on winners first, then have all the guys masturbate to orgasm and go soft, before we judged the flaccid categories.

Needless to say, everyone had a blast! After determining the longest and thickest erections (my boyfriend came in a close second in the latter category), the girls watched, cheered, and laughed as the guys shot their wads. A few men actually had to masturbate and cum a second time, before their cocks became soft.

My boyfriend won the "thickest flaccid cock" contest, which he boasted about to me for weeks afterwards. Surprisingly, there was no group sex after all that, although several couples retreated to other rooms to sate their sexual thirsts. My boyfriend and I went back to my place and fucked all night!