Evil Hamas leader declares for ‘global day of jihad’ on Friday, and asks Muslims to ‘take to the streets’ in protest against Israel: ‘We are asking for your blood and souls to be sacrificed for Palestine’

Evil Doer Khaled Meshaal, the former leader of Hamas, call for a Friday 13th uprising was reiterated by Hamas itself, according to the Israeli-run, Washington DC-based Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). (note, what most people want to know is , Why give this waste of life any attention whatsoever. Don't give him any media attention whatsoever to push his hate globally?)

MEMRI said that Hamas urged its supporters in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel to rise up in what he called 'the Al-Aqsa Flood' - echoing what the the secretive Palestinian mastermind Mohammed Deif calls the attack he launched on Saturday against Israel.

The phrase Israel's most wanted man used in an audio tape broadcast as Hamas fired thousands of rockets out of the Gaza Strip over the weekend signaled the attack was their payback for Israeli raids at Jerusalem's Al Aqsa mosque.

'We declare next Friday, ''The Friday of the Al-Aqsa Flood,'' as a day of general mobilization in our Arab and Islamic world and among the free people of the world,' Meshaal's statement said, which was sent to Reuters news agency.

'It is a day to rally support, offer aid, and participate actively.

'It is a day to expose the crimes of the occupation, isolate it, and foil all its aggressive schemes. It is a day to demonstrate our love for Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa.

'It is a day for sacrifice, heroism, and dedication, and to earn the honour of defending the first Qibla of Muslims, the third holiest mosque, and the ascension of the trusted Messenger.'

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Meshaal also praised those who took part on the attack in Israel. Oh my brothers and sisters, oh all my family and a quarter of this nation,' he said. 'These are your brothers and sisters who created this glory. They created this flood: Al-Aqsa Flood.'

The terrorist group said all should back their 'just cause'.

'We call upon the free people of the world to mobilize in solidarity with our Palestinian people and in support of their just cause and legitimate rights to freedom, independence, return, and self-determination,' the group said.

There have already been several protests following Saturday's attack by Hamas against Israel, including on the streets of the UK and Australia.

While some have been held in solidarity with the victims on both sides of the conflict, others have demonstrated the deep and ugly divisions that are felt around the world over the issue.

The terrorist group said all should back their 'just cause'.

'We call upon the free people of the world to mobilize in solidarity with our Palestinian people and in support of their just cause and legitimate rights to freedom, independence, return, and self-determination,' the group said.

There have already been several protests following Saturday's attack by Hamas against Israel, including on the streets of the UK and Australia.

While some have been held in solidarity with the victims on both sides of the conflict, others have demonstrated the deep and ugly divisions that are felt around the world over the issue.