Fantasy Becomes Reality Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

Welcome to another episode of Bedtime Stories with Salty Vixen. Tonight’s episode is titled ‘Fantasy becomes Reality”.  Do you wonder why you are imprinted on my mind? What is it about you, Sir? Is it your voice? Your smile, your intoxicating male sent that send me into deep arousal?

Could it be perhaps you gave me comfort years ago, my Alpha Male? You are the first person who stood up for me when nobody else did, yes, that could be it. .You are one of a kind, Sir. And I like that.

Are you ready for an Affair fantasy story? Oh yes, a fantasy that could have been a reality…. That is the idea, isn’t it? Let’s begin…

“The Sexting Affair is “ is finally becoming a reality…” I nervously mumble, regarding my reflection in the mirror.

I don't look any different now than I did yesterday. The transgression, tested in my own voice, sounds heavy, much heavier than it feels.

This night spent with Sir in your downtown apartment doesn't feel like sin, and it doesn't feel wrong. It just feels good, free of guilt, like eating an extra scoop of ice cream.

I turn off the bathroom light and walk back into the bedroom. The sheets are tangled around you, as they have been for all the hours past. You are lying on your side, watching me through heavy-lidded eyes. As I approach the bed, you extend your arm as if to pull me back. I don't resist.

"Don't leave yet. You promised. An entire night, remember?" You said as you kissed me.

"It's 4 a.m. Or didn't you notice?" I smile and touch my tongue lightly to your lips, opening for a kiss. Your hair is tousled, dark blue in the starved beam of moonlight that filters through the window.

"Sleep with me. Wake up with me." You whisper, taking my hand and moving it down beneath the sheet, guiding it to your beautiful erection.

"Is it sleep you have in mind?" You grin and nibble my bare shoulder. "Eventually. But not yet." As you continue to kiss me.

I then pull away the fabric that covers you, I lick a lazy path across your chest and stomach. You are so fucking handsome, Sir.

Your fingers move through my hair as I slide my mouth onto you. Mmmm.Your cock like warm velvet against my tongue, soothing and sweet. Soon your hands lift me, pulling me up and then under you, arranging my legs around your hips. You move against me with infinite slowness, waiting until my nails dig into your back and I gasp against you, breathing your name in syllables, oh Doctor, My Alpha Male…oh yes.. that rise and fall around us. You enter me in a moment of suspended perfection that seems endless. It is the sensation of being completed.

Later, I lie exhausted in your arms, surrounded by the static of the bedside radio. The steady cadence of your heartbeat has lulled me into a contentment that cannot last. I need to leave soon and get back to my everyday life and so do you.  I look at you and think how happy I am, the first time in my life, I am truly happy and I don't want to leave.

Read this hot story:
In the Office Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

Until tonight, I've wondered if this was love. No, It can’t be, these are just pent-up emotions I am having after a good fuck. We are both married and both are having rebellion against the stagnant sameness of a marriage that was never meant to be, at least for me, Sir. You make me smile and feel loved for the first time in my life. I don’t know what it is about you, Sir.

Then reality has crashed into me with all the subtlety of a piano falling on my head. I'm married, and I have strong feelings with another married man, you Sir.

Yes, fantasy finally became reality tonight and it was a reality that would go back to fantasy. In the fantasy, everything is perfect between you, Sir and I. The reality is, what we are doing, we have to be discreet.

Only thing we talk about in sexting is sex. Sending photos and videos, a FaceTime sex session, it was the first time I felt appreciated. Beautiful and loved. I wish I could express how I feel about Sir.

It's dawn now. Sir is asleep beside me, your hand resting on my stomach and your lips against my ear. I can barely move, aching in every muscle, every bone. We fucked for hours, gently and carefully at times, at others with an intensity that threatened to collapse the bed. My ribs are tender from the strength of your arms, holding me so tightly that I could barely breathe. I feel like I've had a collision with an immovable object. And I have. That object is my life.

I turn toward you, kissing your neck, whispering in your ear. You slowly open your eyes, reluctantly, sadly.

"I have to go." I said to you. Truth is, I don’t want to go and you know this Sir.

"I know." Your arms pull away, releasing me to an uncertain destiny. I can see in your beautiful eyes that you are worried about what will happen next. I wonder what you see in mine.

“Salty Vixen, you are a good woman, always remember that.”

Thank you, Sir, you are also a good man, always remember that.”

"Go back to sleep. I'll call you later.”I said to you  as I left the room.