How To Prepare a Shopping List For a Party-A Simple Planning Checklist

One of the foundations of a great party is a well thought out checklist. Planning in advance can create guidelines and keep you on track with your party needs. A checklist helps delegate tasks and can serve as a timeline so you don't feel overwhelmed and like you must do everything at once. You are only one person after all, and a party can sometimes take an army.

No matter the size of your party take a moment to write out a checklist of everything you will need. One of the keys to successful entertaining is being well organized. Arm yourself with a well-thought-out shopping list before you hit the stores. Categories help divide the work as well. You can have a pre-party, during party and post party list to work with. You can also print the checklist or email to share tasks with your party planning helpers. The more everyone is informed, the greater chance of success! 

We all might think we have the greatest memory but as daily happenings occur a fun project like a party might head to the back of our minds. Make sure to write down those great ideas for your next gathering. Here are some simple tips to make sure it's the best. It shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes.

Difficulty: Easy | Time Required: 15 minutes

Here's How:

  1. Assemble all the recipes you will be preparing.
  2. Sit down with notepad and pencil.
  3. Label the first page of notepad Master List.
  4. Go through each recipe and write on the Master List all the ingredients that you will need to purchase.
  5. Write down on Master List all the beverages you will need to buy that are available in supermarket.
  6. Write down party goods that you need to purchase on Master List if they are available in supermarket.
  7. If party goods are not available in supermarket, write them on a separate sheet of paper.
  8. Write down flowers or centerpiece supplies that you need to purchase on Master List, if available in supermarket. Write them on a separate sheet of paper if they will require a trip to a different store.
  9. Take out another sheet of paper and label it Last Minute Purchases.
  10. Review Master List for ingredients that will need to be purchased at the last minute, such as fresh produce or a special dessert. Write these items on Last Minute Purchases list.
  11. Cross off last minute items from Master List.
  12. Schedule a day (or days) on your Party Timetable to go shopping for the items on your lists.
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  1. Make a separate list for each store you will need to shop in.
  2. When you've completed this process, your Master List will be the items you can purchase in advance. You will also have a Last Minute List. You may possibly have lists for the liquor store, party store and florist.