Naughty Tongue (Facesitting,femdom,cunnilingus) by Salty Vixen

"Fuck! I knew it! I just knew it! She's done it again!"

Henry was sitting on the couch fuming. He was doing his best not to throw his phone across the room. And that wasn't so easy given what his wife, Carmen, was up to.

"Henry? Whatever is the matter?"

Messalina came into the room, no doubt to investigate the sounds she heard. He didn't mean to shout, he really didn't; but damn! But now he really didn't want to talk about it with his mother-in-law. With his head in his hands he tried to keep the situation under control, and maybe she would just pass on through.

"Sorry Mez. I was just a little upset. It's nothing. I'll be fine. Sorry if I disturbed you."

He heard her footsteps growing closer and hoped she really was just going to pass on through the room and leave him to think about this on his own. But then he realized she was stepping over to the couch and then he felt her hand on his shoulder.

"Sounds like you're more than just a little upset. I certainly hope you don't use words like that casually."

Damn. He had hoped she hadn't heard that. Mez had some strange rules in her house. Not that he was one to swear like a sailor. As a general rule, he saved such expletives for when they were really called for. And this he felt, was one such occasion. Still he would have to apologize.

"No I don't...uh, I...I don't use those words casually. I must have just overreacted. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."

He had lifted his head out of his hands to apologize, but when he looked up, he saw that she wasn't just standing next to him, with a hand on his shoulder; she was completely nude! He still hadn't gotten used to that. More of her rules. It was her house after all.

And that probably didn't help. They had to move in with her mother. It wasn't something he was eager to do, but they found themselves with little choice. It's not that he didn't appreciate her willingness to help, he just didn't like having to live under someone else's roof. And being her, it was almost like moving back home again, only worse.

"Well clearly something is bothering you. Now why don't you just lie back and tell me what this is all about. It's about Carmen isn't it?"

Now she moved in front of him and placed both hands on his shoulders, guiding him to twist his body and lay back with his head on a pillow against the armrest. She was acting like a mother with a sick child, but he wasn't sick. He also didn't want to fight with her. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't afford it.

So he followed her lead and lay back on the couch, being very careful not to touch her legs or any other parts of her body as he did. He also tried not to stare at her big tits as they began to hang and sway as she bent over so he could rest his head. As she stood back up, he was still having a hard time prying his eyes from her chest.

He tried to look up at her face. She had dark hair and pale skin and staring at her, he could see where Carmen got some of her looks. But Messalina, Mez, was older now and didn't have the slim figure of her youth. Actually, it may have never been that slim. Mez had a fuller figure than her daughter and it likely wasn't all due to age.

He imagined Mez's tits were never small, but now they hung lower. Her nipples now pointed more toward the ground than out in front, which also meant that right now they were pointing down at him. And her nipples seemed to be covered in goose bumps. Again, he tried to pull his eyes away.

He wouldn't call her fat, but her tummy had a little roll. And below! Nope, he wasn't going to look there. Her tits were one thing, okay two things, but he couldn't easily avoid those. But he had done all he could not to look at her pussy, even when she walked the house naked.

So his eyes traveled back up over her soft belly, taking a brief dip in her navel before reaching her breasts again. And with more than a little determination, he looked up past those and into his mother-in-law's eyes.

"So what about Carmen has got you so upset?"

He had almost forgotten she wanted to know what his outburst was about. And that only stoked the fires again. He had to be careful, delicate even, but maybe she should have some idea of what was going on.

"I found out she's with Rod."

He kept it short and to the point. He didn't know how she would react and didn't even really know how he was going to have this conversation with her.

"But you knew she was going to be with Rod. I know you two have talked about it. What's the problem?

She sounded so innocent. Carmen had fooled her too. But it was time for her to know. She deserved to know.

"I don't mean going out shopping or having dinner. I mean she is with Rod."

She looked confused. Henry figured it was because this was her baby girl. She wasn't like other people; she was special. He tried to break it as gently as he could.

"What I'm tryin' to say Mez is that...well...they've been having sex."


And that was all she said. Her face registered the surprise and then she just stood there as if frozen in time. Well not entirely frozen. One hand was on her side and the other was cupping her breast. While that didn't go unnoticed it wasn't that unusual, all things considered. The times he had seen her naked before, she had no qualms about squeezing her tits, stretching out her arms, or even scratching her ass. She was far more comfortable being nude in her house than he was being a witness to it.

She stood towering over him like a giantess as she put the pieces together. He could understand some of the shock. They both remained silent as the seconds ticked by. But eventually, she broke the spell. She gave her tit a squeeze as if she had made a decision, and then looked down at him and spoke again.

"Well Henry, I'm afraid that may be my fault. Or maybe it's her grandmother's fault. Maybe it goes back further than that. I think it's in her genes."

He wasn't quite sure how she would react to the news of her daughter's infidelity, but that certainly wasn't what he expected to hear. Now it was his turn to be frozen as he tried to put the pieces together. But in the end, all he came up with was...

"I'm sorry? Did you say it was your fault?"

"I'm not saying I told them to have sex. It's just that, well, I think it may be time for a family history lesson. I'd tell you to sit down for this, but lying down is probably even better. Now let's see. Where should I begin?"

He couldn't imagine how this was supposed to be Mez's fault, but now he was more than a little curious as to why she thought so. A family history lesson she said. Now this he had to hear.

"You see, I've always had quite the appetite. And no I don't mean food. And keep any of your fat jokes to yourself.

As soon as I was sexually active, I knew I couldn't settle for just having one man my entire life. So when I was dating, sometimes I was looking for Mr. Right, someone I could love and marry, and sometimes I was just interested in trying a different flavor. Sometimes it was curiosity and sometimes I just needed to feed the hunger."

Well this was quite the surprise. He never really expected that she had done a lot of sleeping around. Then, he never had really thought much about her sex life at all. He also never expected that it was something she would share with him.

Given some of her odd behavior, such as walking around the house in the nude, maybe her frank discussion of being sexually active wasn't really that out of character. But it wasn't the sort of conversation he ever thought he would have with his mother-in-law.

"My college days were really wild. I was one of those girls you hear about who has sex with her professor. In fact, I had sex with several of them; two of them in the same quarter. Now it's not like I scored with the whole basketball team. Just a few players; and the coach."

Jesus! She didn't just sleep around in her younger days, Mez was some kind of nymphomaniac! And here she was, standing over him naked, discussing her sex life!

"Things did slow down after college, but they never really stopped. I was still finding more men and feeding my hunger. And then eventually I met Carmen's father. He was special. We became serious and I found that there was a man I wanted to marry.

And that's when I had to revisit the notion of being a one-man woman. I knew that's what he wanted and I began to wonder if I could really do it. I mean, I did have those college years. If I had died before I met him, I would still have had a great sex life."

She had mentioned Carmen's father, so there was a glimmer that this was all somehow related. But while he tried to keep up with her story, he was seeing her in a whole new light. Now as he looked at those tits, he imagined them bouncing up and down as she rode some guy's cock.

"But then I felt I wasn't quite finished yet. So as we grew closer and made plans for our lives together, it became something of a race to get in all sex I needed before our wedding day. By the way, anyone who tells you priests don't have sex, hasn't met them all."

For fuck's sake! She had sex with a priest? The priest who presided over her wedding ceremony? It was quickly becoming less of a question as to who she had sex with, and more of a question of who she hadn't!

"Then we finally were married, but I still had a few loose ends to tie up. I took care of those and thought I was finally ready to settle down. Then I became pregnant with Carmen. I thought that would help, but pregnancy messes with your hormones. At first it was just flirting, but the flirting became more serious. I didn't want to hurt Carmen's father, and during that time I never had full on traditional sex with anyone, but there was some serious heavy petting and making out.

And then my baby girl came into the world. I don't think I have to tell you how special she is, but I will remind you just the same. She was my whole world and she's always been a big part of my life. And for years I was a good girl. A little grope here, and a flash there, but again no full on sex outside my marriage. I probably did wear out her dad, but that was part of his job, right?"

He was listening, but now he was also envisioning more and more scenarios of Mez's wild sex life. And between her tales of rampant sex, and her naked body, he found he was sporting more than an inkling of an erection.

"But then as she got older, I started to have that itch. More and more I began to realize that those college years, and even the years after weren't enough to keep me sated. And soon enough I was back to making ticks on the scoreboard."

During the revelation, Mez had primarily kept her hands on her hips. There was a gesture here and there, and sometimes she looked directly at him and sometimes she looked off into space. But now she shifted a little and let her knee rest on the edge of the couch.

Henry was careful to give her room and try to avoid any contact. It made sense to get a little support as she had been standing this whole time, but maybe she could have just found a chair. And while it would have been a little more normal if she was actually dressed, he couldn't deny that a part of him was happy she wasn't.

"Well Carmen's a smart girl. As she was coming of age, I wondered if she had similar thoughts to my own. When she became sexually active, just how active was she likely to be? But of course it was her decision and I had my own distractions to keep me busy.

And then one day, she had sex with a man. Not her first mind you, but I think it was only her third. What's important is that this man was someone I had been having sex with...and Carmen found out about it."

What the fuck! The third person Carmen had sex with, also had sex with her mother? Now he had an image of Carmen having sex with some unidentified man. This was not helping to keep his erection down. He was straining within his pants and trying to very casually keep himself covered with his hands.

"I think she felt betrayed and I suppose I understand that. When she told me about him, she was hoping to shock me. But that conversation went nothing like she had planned. I told her I was happy for her and that I knew he was a capable lover. I had enjoyed my time with him, but I was ready to move on. So I told her she could have him. I even offered her a few suggestions on how to get the most out of him.

Well she wasn't prepared for that. We didn't get everything straightened out that night, but eventually we had some nice long talks which only strengthened our bond. I explained to her that I did love her father and he would always have a special place in my heart; most especially because he had given me her. But I also explained that while I loved him dearly, I wasn't willing to deny myself. I wasn't willing to live less than a full life."

Read this hot story:
Facesitting Stories

And now she was absently cupping a breast again. She gave it little squeezes as she related the events between herself and her daughter; about how they came to an understanding. His eyes were locked onto her tit, and he could feel his dick throb every time she squeezed. It was a struggle not to put his hand inside his pants, even with his mother-in-law towering over him.

"She gave that some serious thought and we had more discussions and then we became closer than ever. At first, we shared stories of our encounters. And then we would share stories of the same man. And then, it wasn't just stories. Are you sure you're ready to hear this? Some lucky men do get to share a mother and daughter in bed at the same time. And sometimes mothers and daughters can share more than one man in bed at the same time."

If he was having difficulties as she squeezed one tit, he was now beginning to lose his mind. As she continued to speak of the sex she and her daughter had shared, she was now squeezing both tits together, and not just little simple squeezes, but full grips.

And it wasn't just the tit either. Now she had moved her fingers and thumbs to her nipples and she was pinching and pulling those as she thought about times past. He fought to keep his hands still. If he did take his cock in hand, it would only be seconds before he exploded a load high into the air. He had to hold back. This was his mother-in-law!

"They didn't replace my college years, and I will always have many fond memories from that time. But with Carmen, we helped each other. Things we did, I wouldn't have been able to do alone. It was like a second Renaissance. It was glorious."

As she continued to play with her tits and nips, she now shifted once more. Her knee slid further along the couch and she took a small step forward.

"But then after she finished college, I knew what was coming next. We still were having fun, but, call it the biological clock if that makes you happy. I knew she was starting to look for a husband.

And then she found you. You see Henry, that's why I know she truly loves you. Just like I loved her father. But I also understand why, and don't take this too hard, you can't completely satisfy her."

Ouch! So there it was. While his animal brain was trying not to cum right there on the couch, his logic brain was still following the story for what it had to do with Carmen's indiscretion. First off, Mez had confided she was a sex addict, and then suggested that her daughter was as well, but if that wasn't enough, she had just told him he wasn't capable of satisfying his wife; her daughter.

"She knew Rod from high school. They were lovers long before she ever met you. And yes, when they met up again after all those years, she wanted more than to just share old stories. And no offense dear, but I'd have to say she'd be a fool not to. I don't know if his parents had a premonition, but that man was very well named. I can tell you from personal experience, he's got a rod on him that is purely magical."

She got a dreamy look as she mentioned Rod, the other half of his wife's betrayal. And about that time Henry noticed something else. He had been so wrapped up in the sights and sounds of this story, he was having trouble focusing. But now he noticed an aroma.

The nipple pinching had been a clue, and now he could see they were standing erect and proud. But now he knew he could also smell her sex! Mez was wet as she explained about her daughter and Rod.

"So see, I get that it hurts, but she never did this to hurt you. I have this hunger, this appetite. I'm voracious. And so too is my daughter. It wouldn't be right to cut her off from her lovers. Might as well cut off her supply of air.

You have to let her live, Henry. You can't suffocate her. She's my daughter and I won't allow it. But you needn't suffer alone. Let me help you take your mind off of Rod."

And her demeanor suddenly changed. She began as a teacher giving out a lecture. Then he had noticed her own squeezing and breastplay, which elevated to nipple pinching. But while she was getting worked up, as was he, she was keeping it in check.

But then her eyes began to sparkle and a mischievous grin spread across her face. Now as she squeezed and pinched those heavy breasts, she wasn't thinking of past conquests, she was looking at him!

"I think we both need this!"

Before he could react, she pulled the pillow out from behind his head, causing it to fall back on the couch, the top of his head pressed tight against the armrest. As she tossed the pillow across the room, her knee was already coming over him and landing on his shoulder, while her hands found the armrest, and the whole time her eyes locked on him like a predator. She was about to sit on his face!

He couldn't deny how hard he was, as he listened to her story and stared at her naked flesh. But when she finally made her move, it came back to him in an instant that this was his mother-in-law! Yes, Carmen had cheated on him and he was still trying to process what that meant for him and their future, but having sex with her mother wasn't going to solve his problems. He couldn't be mad at Carmen, and at the same time have sex with Mez! He had to stop this!

"Wait, Memph! Mmmph mmmph! Waiffff"

He was quick, but she was quicker. She had already straddled him before his hands ever left his lap. Now, as crazy as it was, he was slapping and pushing on her ass, so she would get off his face and let him speak. Her pussy had already smeared his nose as she was getting into position. She didn't stop to listen when he first tried to get her attention, but then she lifted just enough, her pussy hairs still tickling his nose and lips, allowing him to have a word.

"Mez we can't do this! We just can't! It's wrong."

But she wasn't listening. She just gave a little laugh and then she gave him an explanation.

"Oh Henry, you're so cute. I wasn't asking. I told you Carmen and I share everything. Besides, while you're in this house that tongue is mine as much as it is my daughter's."

She had surprised him again. She had mentioned her need for sex and her inability to control herself, but he assumed she was just getting caught up in the moment, fueled by her own stories of her sordid past. But she wasn't falling off the wagon, she was driving it, and at full speed ahead.

Between her 'arrangement' with her daughter, and her belief in her rather extraordinary house rules, this was no accident, no temporary fall from grace. Mez meant to have him her way, and she meant to have him now!

And after she explained herself, she felt there was no further reason for delay. She settled her pussy back down on his face and began rocking against his nose. The smell and taste of her was inescapable, as well as her weight, which easily pinned him in place.

He tapped her ass again, hoping for a second chance to make his case, but if she even noticed, she just ignored him. She knew what she wanted and she was going to have it. And he realized that there was nothing he could do to stop her.

"Don't you worry your little head about Rod. Mommy's here to take care of you."

She might have just been saying it for her own benefit. She surely wasn't giving him any chance to respond. Instead, her wet cunt continued to paint more of his face as she gyrated against him. In a matter of seconds, his face was not only wet, it was getting hot.

Then she made some long slow drags across his face. This gave him just enough air. He looked up at her when he could, hopeful he could speak to her with his eyes. But he found she wasn't even looking at him. She was lost in a dream.

And in a few more passes her pace quickened once more. Then she did this thing where she put her pussy directly over his nose, and then she wiggled and pressed down as if she could swallow his entire face.

Now he had performed oral on his wife in the past. And he knew at least one time she was positioned above him, her knees on either side of his head. But that was nothing like this. She had teased him a little and allowed him access, but he had to reach for it. She had never ridden roughshod over his face the way Mez was doing.

She seemed to find great joy in exploring his face. Her pussy moved all over it. And while he caught breaths when he could, he soon felt that wasn't much of a priority for her.

One time while she was roaming over his face and he was trying to catch a breath, she ended up with her pussy directly over one of his eyes. It was shut tight and with her there, it was easier for him to breathe. But while it may have been easier for him physically, mentally it was a different matter. As she remained in the same spot, with some of her constant grinding, he felt this was a show of dominance.

Eventually she made her point, if indeed that was her intention, or she simply got bored of that and went back to rubbing herself all over him. And then before long, she was doing something new as she began to bounce on his face. She had fun with that, certainly more fun than he did, but after a while she moved on to something else.

He didn't know how long it had been, but at some point he figured she should be about done with him. But she was not. His face, his whole head, was one wet, hot mess. And she just kept on going. He wondered if in addition to her proclaimed frequency, she also enjoyed an increased duration.

At some point, he was sure she got the relief she was looking for. His whole face had been quite wet soon after she mounted him. But then she came to a grinding stop and suddenly everything became even wetter. He tasted even more of her and did more than a little swallowing.

He waited for her to lift off and perhaps go grab a towel. Instead, she did a few more of those slow drags and then once again she was back in the race. It wasn't to be over just yet.

The second time she ended with a bit of a squeeze of her thighs against his cheeks. She didn't go back for a third, but the downside was she didn't move at all. She just rested on top of him as his air supply ran out.

When she did lift up, he was gasping. Her face showed signs of exertion as well as a big smile, but he knew he looked far worse. After she caught her breath, she spoke once more.

"Whew! Not bad. I think I could enjoy that face of yours."

Indeed she already had. There was plenty of evidence of that. And now he needed to get cleaned up. Besides washing his face, he wasn't sure if he needed to change his pants. He was at the brink when she climbed onto his face, and he couldn't deny the primal instincts as he smelled her pussy. But somewhere in the frenzy, it became clear this wasn't about him, this was about her.

"Okay Mez, I don't knowph mmmph mmmm."

"Shhh, no talking."

She sat back down on him. She reached down and used her fingers to pull the hairy pussy back from his nose so he could breathe, but it completely covered his mouth so he couldn't speak.

"Now Henry, that wasn't a bad start, but I think you'd have to agree I did most of the work. So now it's your turn. This time I want you to show me how talented that tongue of yours really is. And this time there's no rush. I want you to give me a symphony so I know what I've been missing out on. But I'll give you a few minutes to tune up first. You may begin."


Henry wasn't prepared for that. He wasn't prepared for Mez at all. But he realized a line had already been crossed. She may have taken charge, but there's was no denying he had tasted her pussy. Saying she had sex with him but he didn't have sex with her was splitting hairs. Round two wasn't going to change any of that.

So when she slid back, and looked down on him expectantly, Henry put out his tongue and went to work. At least it was easier to breathe, and it was more on his terms.

It took time, but she did have another orgasm. However, she wasn't truly impressed with his performance. But she did tell him he'd have the chance to try again soon, and if need be, she could offer him lessons.

So much changed that day, and he knew things would never be the same. He also realized sometime later that she was right. From the moment she mounted his face until hours afterwards, and even on until the next morning, he didn't think about Rod at all.