Sell your Erotica Ebook Here

Note: Salty Vixen Stories is a Non-exclusive self-publishing ebook store!

Welcome to Salty Vixen Stories eBook Store! Salty Vixen Stories eBook Store is a self-publishing platform and online bookstore for independent ebook authors, publishers and readers. We offer multi-format, DRM-free ebooks, ready for immediate purchase, and readable. We mainly use .PDF , .mobi and ePub.

At Salty Vixen Stories eBook Store, our authors and publishers have complete control over the pricing and marketing of their written works. Salty Vixen Stories eBook Store is ideal to sell your Erotica eBooks. It is free to publish on Salty Vixen Stories eBook Store.

Questions: Does Salty Vixen Stories eBook store distribute mainstream, i.e. Kobo, Barns N Noble, Amazon, etc..

Yes and no. Yes we do publish mainstream but you can as well! Basically if you have an account with places such as Smashwords/ Draft2Digital, your books usually be put on mainstream IF your book follows their guidelines. Amazon has a different set of rules, and if you publish on Amazon, you can’t publish anywhere else (yes, it is if you decide to publish on KDP Select, that is exclusively for 9 months, but the way Amazon KDP Bots are, if you publish elsewhere, even if it isn’t KDP Select, the bots will find out and your book could potentially be blocked. So best not to publish Amazon and other places IF you are an independent publisher)

But places such as Draft2Digital can publish books on Amazon!

Yep! That is because they have a vendor account with Amazon and to get a Vendor account is a hush-hush thing. Basically you have to be asked by Amazon if you want an account. You can’t get on automatically with them. Hopefully someday we will - but with the way Amazon is with Erotica now-a-days… it is making it hard. That is why you have Lotscave and other places that sell Erotica.

To go back to the original question: Yes we can publish mainstream that is IF your book hasn’t been published on mainstream. Meaning, if you published your book on Salty Vixen Stories eBook Store, chances are, your book was already published on mainstream (unless it is taboo / horror erotica, that won’t get on mainstream). And if it is already published on Salty Vixen Stories eBook Store, we don’t want to have your book double published on mainstream.

IF you haven’t published on Draft2Digital , Salty Vixen Stories eBook Store, etc, then we can publish mainstream (with exception of Amazon. We hope to someday be able to distribute to Amazon).

I want to point out, Smashwords & Draft2Digital are wonderful companies -  they have excellent platforms. I love them because they care about we, the authors.

Why did Salty Vixen Stories decide on having my own online eBook store?

The answer is simple. Erotica is been getting a bad rep over the years. If you follow the rules on Amazon, for example, and your book gets published, their “Amazon Bots” might not like a word in a title and automatically block the book. The Amazon people do not read the content of the book and it is hard to talk to a human as Amazon outsources and nobody in Amazon works together (hear that Jeff Bezos?? - Amazon is a huge company but internally it is broken, something that we all know) .

Why publish your book on Salty Vixen Stories eBook store?

The answer is easy! The more places you sell your books, the more you get your books out there! Being an independent author, you have to market yourself. You are the brand. Publishing your book on one or two platforms, doesn’t get a lot of notice from people. You have to build your brand, and build a fan club. It isn’t easy but in the end it is rewarding.

Will I sell a lot of books on Salty Vixen Stories eBook Store?

Yes and no.  In. Reality, it is hard to sell books. You see videos on Youtube “I made $2,000 as an independent publisher” and while that can happen, the reality is, you are lucky if you make a couple of a hundred bucks a month. I am an author and publisher and I generate about $200 -$400 a month. Not a lot but it is money to help pay the bills. Why don’t I stop writing if I don’t make a lot ? Because I love to write for you the reader. I don’t give up on my passions and you shouldn’t either.

You are making a long term investment in your writing career the more places you sell your book. We ONLY sell  Erotica eBooks (digital books).

How easy is it to publish?
Simple. Register for an account - Free!

Click on the tab “I want to sell my book” -

Fill out the form and upload your manuscript and cover photo. If you have trouble making a cover photo, please indicate that in the first sentence “I don’t have a cover” and I will contact you about it, I don’t charge for a cover. We live in a digital world, the expense should be low!

Why only Erotica?

Erotica is number 1! Also it is fun to write. When I go on dates and my date finds out I write Erotica, the date thinks I am exactly like my Pen Name..but in real life, nope I am not. I say, by day I am normal self, by night, I transform into my naughty Salty Vixen self and write Erotica for you the reader. Enough about me, if you want to read more about who I am how I got into Erotica, read about it here.  We ONLY publish erotica, nothing else. Are there exceptions? Yep! We don’t allow kiddie p*rn stories, or any stories that boost criminal activities. We do allow taboo, but the rule is, character has to be 21 and older.

Read this hot story:
Comrades to Lovers by Sabrina - eBook

Why can’t we upload the books ourselves like you can on other websites?

We are small company. We manually go through each book to make sure they follow the guidelines. We don’t edit your books but if they are full of spelling errors, we will make suggestions what to do to get your book sold on Salty Vixen Stores eBook store.

Offensive content

We don’t sell certain content including content that we determine is hate speech, promotes the abuse or sexual exploitation of children, contains pornography, glorifies rape or pedophilia, advocates terrorism, or other material we deem inappropriate or offensive.

How long does the books stay on your site?

As long as you want them to 🙂

What does it cost to publish on Salty Vixen Stories?

It's free to publish on Salty Vixen Stories. There are no hidden fees. No listing fees, no setup fees, no change fees and no conversion fees.  We earn our income by taking a small commission on all net sales. Our commission is a flat 5%  of the net for regular sales and if we publish our books at other distribution (i.e. kobo, as long as you do not have the books posted there already; or other companies have posted on your behalf). Meaning, we don’t take more than 5% commission from other distribution places. This is how it will look like:

Your Sale Price : Our 6% commission : You earn:

What is the difference between Salty Vixen Stories ebook store and Salty Vixen Stories site?

eBook store is an online eBook store to sell eBooks and audio books. Stories site is all stories for authors to freely publish their stories.

Why make an online eBook store? started as an online eBook store for my books, and as I was working on the site, I realized, I wanted to make it an online eBook store for Erotica only as well as a regular website for people to publish their stories for free as we all have creative juices flowing.

Can I publish public domain books on Salty Vixen Stories?

No. You must be the original author of the work, or the exclusive electronic publisher or distributor of the work. The reason is: Public Domain books are easy to find on the net.

How do we get paid?

We pay via PayPal only  and we pay every 30 days (unless the month is 28 days, then you get paid then…). We will notify you whenever you get a sale.- however, the payment is typically every 30 days.

 Where is my money???

If you didn’t sell a book, you won’t get paid. We always triple check our records. If you sold a book, and didn’t get paid, then it could be your email address was wrong- we will check on our end as well as making sure you are getting our emails and sometimes a glich happens. Be patient, don’t get mad,- we can work things out without all the screaming. Screaming doesn’t get anywhere ,does it?

Do I need to copyright my work prior to publishing with Salty Vixen Stories eBook store?

If you are the author - the creator - of an original work, then most laws automatically give you copyright to the work. For the best legal protection, register for a copyright at   Here's what Wikipedia says on copyright:

Okay, why do you password protect your PDF book files?

Because we know, once you purchase an eBook online from us or anywhere, the customer now has the book and because we are living in the Digital Age, it is easy to copy and paste. We password protect the PDF book files to help prevent that, In fact the customer is not allowed to print the copy of the book - just like in real life, when you own a paperback book, you cannot pirate the book and resell it under your name. It isn’t right.

Any other questions? Ask us via our contact form!

Okay - I want to publish! How long will it take to review and upload my book?

Since we are a small publishing company (Salty Vixen Stories eBook store is part of Salty Vixen Publishing LLC, can take up to 72 hours but no more than that. We look at each book, make sure they are in the correct category and pricing. Meaning if you have a 5 page book and you want to list the price for $15.99, we will write back and suggest for a cheaper price as most will not pay $15.99 for a 5 page book. And typically 5 page books sell for $2.99.

What if I have a book for sale and decide to promote it by making it free? Then please let us know. We will put the book as free under our stories section.

Do sales happen? Yep. But you know how it is, if you build it, they will come. You are the author, you have to promote your brand and when you are an independent publisher/author and I promise you, you do NOT have to pay for someone to promote your brand/books. You can do it yourself!

Want to know more? Check out our FAQ Guide for Salty Vixen Stories eBook Store:

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