10 Tips to keep a long term relationship going

Over the years, there has been plenty of blogs & digital magazines posted across the internet about dating, including guides about how to become successful on first dates or how to make great first impressions with the opposite sex. While it’s important to understand how you can turn something which you might not consider to be too serious into a proper love affair where you become a couple, there’s not a lot online about how you can help keep a relationship going or how you can turn another short lived relationship into something long, rewarding and wholesome. Here are our tips on just that:

Throw parties

A big mistake that couples can make with each other is to spend every waking second together. Try throwing parties and inviting your friends over, maybe at the same time and in separate rooms. This will allow you to be around each other but not be exclusively together, all while the lads are playing poker and the girls have a chat over a bottle of wine, keeping everything interesting for both parties.

Go traveling 

If you’re stuck in a rut or you end up going back to the same restaurants again and again, you should try visiting a new city, staying in a hotel and just recharging your batteries with each other. This is a great way to keep things interesting when you feel that you might be struggling and it’s refreshing to spend time in a new, exciting or even exotic place that you discover together and create memories which will last a lifetime.

Spend time apart

If you’re in a long term relationship, this is one of the hardest things to do, especially if you care and love each other dearly. Being apart from each other allows you some freedoms and you’ll miss each other so when you’re back together, you’ll be more obsessed with each other than ever before.

This could mean visiting a friend in another town or family back home, but one thing is for sure, if you truly love each other, you should form a stronger bond when you’re back in each others company.

Shower each other with gifts

If things are stagnating a little, a little gift here and there will not only let someone know that you love them, but will let them know that you were thinking about them when you weren’t together. This will keep things interesting and it doesn’t need to be something expensive, just something thoughtful from the moment.

Surprise each other

Maybe pop into his or her workplace just before dinner time and take them out for lunch, or just stop to say hello. This is a great way to let your other half know that you care and that you’re thinking of them. It’s a surefire way to reinforce any strong feelings you have for each other.

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Make time for dates

Just because you’ve been going out with each other for a while doesn’t mean you should forget your duties and stop going on dates with each other. Try booking somewhere different and romantic, make it special and try to do this on regular occasions, be it weekly, monthly, or on specific occasions.

Set goals

Nothing says commitment like planning something big together, be it moving or buying a house, having kids or looking for better jobs. Try sitting down and thinking about how you can best accomplish these things, you’ll definitely form a stronger bond. But don’t just stop there, try to better yourselves for each other in terms of health, comfort and happiness and remember that things are done better together than on your own.

Try something new in the bedroom

There is always something that you’ve never tried before, and this rings true when you look at bedroom action. If you’ve been with someone a long time, it might get a little monotonous in the bedroom, but if you really want to stay together for a long time, try and spice things up, maybe try using some toys, or having some fun with some roleplay. If the things above don’t sound appealing to you, try giving them a go and you might be surprised, at the very least you would have shared a new experience together.

Have a threesome

At some point, every couple will make that decision as to whether they will want to have a child, yes a child, and not bringing another person into the bedroom. There’s nothing quite like bringing a little baby into the equation to strengthen a bond between a couple. But if that sounds like too much of a commitment, try getting a pet, perhaps a dog or cat to look after and see how you fare.

Embark on a quest of discovery

The easiest way to keep a long-term relationship healthy is to try and discover new things and try something different. Take classes such a yoga or dancing lessons, try going to the museum, learn a language together or go on bike rides with one another. If you really want to be with each other the very best thing you can do is keep things fresh and live life to the full with eyes on discovery and of course, eyes on each other.

If you’re finding you and your partner are struggling and are going through a rough patch, you shouldn’t just give up on things. By following the ten steps above, you’ll go a long way to ensuring that your relationship remains both healthy, fruitful and happy for the two of you, now go and buy your other half a gift, try putting our tips into action with dating tips from saltyvixenstories.com

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