10 Valentine’s Day Sex Books for Couples- 2023

Couples Oriented Sex Guides for Valentine's Day: Looking to boost your sexual IQ this Valentine’s Day? Maybe Valentine’s Day is the opportunity you’ve been looking for to deepen your sexual connection with your partner. Or maybe you’re looking for a few ideas to make Valentine’s Day sex hilarious and unforgettable. From tips and techniques to delving deep into each other’s erotic psyches, make this Valentine’s Day present one that will last all year round.

The Guide to Getting It On:

Give yourself and your lover a Valentine’s Day gift that promises more than just one night of great sex. The Guide to Getting It On is a must for every sexual enthusiast’s book shelf. Thoroughly researched, and written in an engaging style the book covers almost every conceivable sexual topic that couples want to know about. Over 800 pages of fun, accurate, and accessible sex information, advice, and know how, it’s a book you can read together in bed, or separately and surprise each other with your newly acquired sex smarts. - Get it on Amazon.com Here

Adventurous Couples Guide to Sex Toys:

Violet Blue wrote this wonderful guide to sex toys for adventurous couples. No one approaches a sex topic like Violet: She is a sexual cheerleader who manages to engage, make you think, and show you why sexual exploration, on your own terms is worth the effort. The guide concisely covers everything from vibrators and dildos to how to talk about toys with your partner, and how to use them. She also covers newer sex toy topics including sex machines, online sex for two, luxury sex toys, and sex furniture. Get it on Amazon.com Here

Urban Tantra:

Finally, the book for people who want to learn about Tantric sex but can’t find the time! Urban Tantra, by Barbara Carrellas, offers an urban spin on the spiritual practice of Tantric sex. Acknowledging the realities of a stressful life in the West, Carrellas has adapted a Tantric program that is easy to follow and practical to execute. With simple step by step instructions and refreshingly gender neutral and pansexual language, this book focuses on such topics as erotic awakening massage, 20-minute Tantra, breath and energy orgasms, as well as Tantric power play. One breath in, one breath out. Enjoy! Get on Amazon.com Here

Erotic Massage: Touch of Love:

Without a doubt, this is the best and easiest to follow book on erotic massage. Written by Kenneth Ray Stubbs and illustrated with over 100 easy to follow drawings that demonstrate massage technique, Erotic Massage covers instruction on full body massage including genital massage drawing on Stubbs decades of experience as a teacher and practitioner. The book is not in print, so get it while there are books on amazon! There are still some copies there!. Get it on Amazon.com Here

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The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex:

If you don’t already own this book, put it on your Valentine’s Day wish list. It’s been called the Joy of Sex for the 21st century, and with good reason. This is a book I’ve read cover to cover, and I still keep it by my desk (and bed) for easy reference. From vibrators and strap-ons to dirty talk and cybersex, Anne Semans and Cathy Winks set the standard for fun, nonjudgmental sex manuals and The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex continues to be a must read for all sexual adventurers. Get it on Amazon.com Here

The Multi-Orgasmic Couple:

Those looking to inject a little spiritualism in their sex this Valentine’s Day should check out the The Multi-Orgasmic Couple. Easy to read style, with lots of homework exercises and practical tips, this Taoist approach feels a little less heavy handed than some of the Tantric sex books. I’m not sure I can fully get behind the concept of never ejaculating again (to understand it, you have to read the book), but I appreciated the new ideas and the straightforward approach. Get it on Amazon.com Here

Erotic Role Play: A Guide for Couples

Violet Blue’s guide for couples is available for easy (and inexpensive!) download to your laptop, Palm, Treo, iPhone, or PDAs. Violet gets right down to business in this guide, taking the reader through the steps of thinking about, talking about, and setting up for erotic role play with a partner. She’s a patient but never condescending teacher and offers everything from general rules to detailed scenarios depending on what you’re looking for. As a bonus, we get some erotic stories from Violet’s favorite writers. I’m such a fan of paper books, but I can’t imagine my sex library without Erotic Role Play in it. Get it on Amazon.com Here

Opening Up: A Guide To Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships:

This will not be everyone (or perhaps even most people's) idea of a good Valentine's Day book, but Tristan Taormino's newest book about the possibilities of opening up sexual relationships is an excellent guide for any couple struggling with compulsory monogamy and wondering about what else is out there.  If you've already talked about it, and are looking for a thoughtful and safe way to keep the conversation going, Opening Up is a comprehensive and gentle support. Get it on Amazon.com Here


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