15 Ways to have Holiday Fun

Don't get tied down with holiday stress! Take every moment you can to make sure you remember the true meaning of this winter season. Below are ideas to help you remember your childlike spirit!

  1. Buy some mistletoe and hang it up over your front door, bedroom, car mirror and wherever else you wish. Whenever you're both underneath it, don't forget to kiss!
  2. Take the time out and build a snowman! If you don't have snow where you live, take a look through your city's local events. Often, you'll find an event which will have "snow."
  3. Go ice-skating!
  4. For some relaxation AND fun, escape to the mountains for a day (or weekend) of skiing.
  5. Give your love a sexy Christmas present early... you with a big red bow.
  6. Play Santa and indulge three of your partner's wishes.
  7. Decorate your tree together.
  8. Instead of driving by your local Christmas light displays, walk through them.
  9. Visit an amusement park that is doing something special for Christmas. Many put up special decorations and have themed parades or events.
  10. Make your Christmas gifts for your family together.
  11. Go window shopping together.
  12. Try and find a local fair that has a reindeer petting area.
  13. Make Christmas cookies or brownies together.
  14. Rent your favorite Christmas cartoon movies and watch them together.
  15. Find out where and when local churches or other groups are going Christmas caroling and join in.

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