3 Ways To Fine Tune YOUR Online Dating Profile To Get More Messages

If you are actively dating online, you may have one or two or even more profiles up here there and everywhere. It’s the thing to do today, but to date nobody has offered a hand guide in how to write up your online profile to maximize your inbox count. 

The truth is, if you are a woman, you probably have too much information on your profile. Men are scanners when reading by nature, and will only take the time to read if you’ve captured their interest with a great headline or picture. Here are some quick fixes you can make right now to your online profile and watch that message count go up.

1. Catch their eye. You don’t need to be told by now that you need a profile pic. Not having one is like going to the bar to meet men with a hood over your face. Why would you do that to yourself? Your main picture needs to be outstanding. Bottom line. This is their first impression and they move very quickly. If you want to complement that with a catchy headline, even better.

Use something sexy, saucy, feisty, and inviting…without sounding desperate (don't show the 2 B's - Boobs and Booty.. that is just asking for a hookup, unless that is what you want. I don't do hookups. I always say that in the profile and if you are not into them or you are, write that!!). How about something that intrigues them and invites them in, “Wanna know a secret?” This drives men wild. When they message you asking what your secret is, say something cute and obvious like “my handle isn’t my real name”. Sound like a game? It is, it’s called dating. Play with it, you’re supposed to be having fun here.

2. Short and simple ladies. Don’t write sagas. Men don’t, and they won’t read them. The purpose of a profile is to get a feel for you, not to get to know you intimately. Mysterious goes a very, very long way in this regard. Be creative, be brief, and say enough to spark their curiosity without being a total blank space. Put your best features forward with a little bit of feisty. “Talented and interested in the arts, comfortable in a ball gown or in jeans at the game, wanna know more? I’d love to tell you….” You get the idea.

Read this hot story:
Real World Dating Advice for Men- How to Handle Your Insecurities Around Women

3. Don’t be an Open Book. Okay, you aren’t going to go on a first date and tell the guy, any guy no matter how you met him: “Okay, you should know that I am looking for a long-term relationship that will lead to a one year engagement with a huge wedding and a new home for our five children.” Why would you even think of expressing that on an online profile? Because if you are wondering, YES, it freaks men out!

The unfortunate thing with online dating is that it HAS taken a lot of mystery out of the dating process. Dating is about getting to know men and what they want and sticking around with someone whose ideals mesh with yours. You don’t need to put it all out there until you get to the comfort level where you can have those conversations. Be mysterious. For serious life questions on your profile, if you have the option of entering “Undecided/Open” for questions like marriage and children, DO use that. You will hear from many, MANY more men. Some men are looking for that, but just don’t know it until they find it. That might be you, you don’t want them to miss out on you.

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