30 ways to celebrate Romance

Have a special occasion coming up and not sure how to celebrate it? Let 30 romantics, who submitted to saltyvixenstories.com help with their ideas and romantic memorable moments! 

Go out for a romantic dinner, and then come home and snuggle up together like teenagers!!! Light up the candles, turn on soft music, and relax. ~Michele

My husband and I celebrate every special occasion by having dinner at one favorite restaurant. We then come home to watch a movie or go to the theater. Afterwards, we go to a park and talk or cuddle. Then we head home to end the evening in each others arms, surrounded by candlelights. ~Cecy Kindell

I place 100 Hershey Kisses on his bedroom floor and tell him I "kiss" the ground he walks on. ~Sidney

We try to take a day off work and go to the beach in the morning and have the whole day to ourselves. ~Vivian Lugo

To celebrate a special occasion, we always make it a point to be together no matter what. He will either bring me flowers or write me a poem, and I will make him his favorite dinner and give him a back massage. ~Cristina

A special occasion could be anything and any day. Both my partner and I are recently divorced and I have two small children. The first weekend we had alone, we considered it a special occasion. We got all dressed up (more so than usual), and went out to a restaurant that I had never been to. It was a real treat for me. Having two small children, it's usually McDonald's for me!! He ordered me a meal fit for a Queen and his eyes never left me. It may not seem like much, but it was so very special to me. When we got home, candles were lit and the wine was opened. We sat on the floor with the candles burning and talked about everything and nothing. It really was romantic. ~Teri

A L O N G sexy dinner followed by dancing. ~Sally

We celebrate by first exchanging cards for the occasion along with a hug and many kisses. Then we discuss dinner plans, and enjoy a wonderful evening together. Last but not least we enjoy the romance of us together in our room of love in our bed. ~Rolanda Cooke

My ideas are: to make each other feel special, to exchange gifts, to renew our vows and to celebrate at our favorite place. ~ismail

Sitting back, snuggling, eating some good food, and just laughing and having a good time at home. ~andrea

We like to do lots of things for special occasions. We love snuggling up on the couch at home and watching a movie. We also love going to a fast food place and then eating it on the beach at night... ~Katie

We go to a beach and have a dinner by candle light. ~Fern Marie Alar

I give him a big hug and soft kisses until he completely forgets about whatever was troubling him. Finally, we end up cuddled up in front of the television, at the beach watching the sunset, or watching the moon at night. Usually, seemingly out of nowhere, I end up hearing him tell me how lucky he was to have me. Well that way, he isn't the only one feeling great, now is he??? ~Leona

We got out for a romantic dinner, come home and make love, then sit in the bath tub together. After that we lay down and watch a movie until we fall asleep. ~Anonymous

My fiancee and I celebrate an occasion in the only way we know how. We just have fun. On our anniversary, we usually do something fun instead of romantic. But that's ok with me. ~Amanda

A dance, a candle light dinner, a peaceful evening outside, a walk, a stroll, or just sitting on the porch, because it doesn't matter where you are when you're with the one you love! Then, candles, passion and going into a deep peaceful sleep in each other's arms. ~joshua gill

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We go out to an open area and stargaze. ~Virginia Lance

It depends on the what we are celebrating. I would start the night off with a nice cold glass of wine and a nice dinner. Then, we will go take a long walk, and get everything off our minds. After that I would have us go dancing and take a long ride while looking at the moon. By that time it would be time to go home and relax. I would go run a nice hot bubble bath for us both to enjoy... together. Then, we'd just just sit back and think about what we did that night while asking each other which part they enjoyed the most. ~Naomi Ross

Go to an amusement park! ~Anonymous

We go to the beach early in the morning, snuggle up all day and feed each other with food. We do this even though we've been together for over two years. And even though he's in the Army now, he'll take time off just to do that. ~Lina

We usually send the kids to a sitter, stay home, cook a nice dinner and see what happens next. ~Dalena

Well, granted Jake and I have only been together for 8 months, but we are for sure in love. There's no doubt about it! So, the day before our 6 month anniversary, I went shopping and bought everything we would need for a long picnic, including a couple games we might want to play. He came over the next day and we packed the lunch, my CD player, our favorite CD's, a blanket, his guitar, our presents, games, drinks, and a tent, and went out into the woods by my house and had a looooong picnic. It was wonderful! Being totally alone in nature with the one you love is a great experience!!!! ~Ashley

We go out for a nice romantic dinner and then we either go to the movies or rent one so we can celebrate the rest of the evening at home. ~Marie

My partner and I celebrate a special occasion with a nice candle light dinner at home or at a nice restaurant, with champagne and a nice warm bubble bath. After that we give each other massages with scented oils and then... ~Jessy

I always give my girlfriend a love letter where I express all my love to her. I also gave her a special gift (always original...). I love to surprise her. For example, my last love letter was in a bottle with a rose... ~Donald

We go out and buy a nice bottle of champagne and put it on ice, sit in the Jacuzzi together and light the four tiki torches that surround it to set a serene & relaxing atmosphere. The rest is up to us and is our moment in time forever. ~Mike

We FIRST AND FOREMOST take the kids to their grandparents, make dinner reservations, and slip into something spectacular. When we go to dinner, and take a quiet walk in the moonlight. When we get home, we share a bottle of wine, and make love for hours. Special occasions are some of my favorite times with my lover. ~Belle

E-cards, flowers (usually roses), candles, dinner, hot bath with candles, wine, bath oil, etc., but especially going dancing. We go dancing at least once a week and that's our special thing we do. ~Gayle

My boyfriend and I celebrate each month we've been together with a plain, simple card telling the other how much they have meant to us over the past months and how we wish to become closer in the next month. For other special occasions, we have a nice dinner and talk about what makes the occasion so special. It doesn't always have to be romantic. It is just a special time together, getting to know each other better. ~April

It depends on what we are celebrating. Sometimes by making love, sometimes by spending the night on our boat and sitting under the sky all night, sometimes going out to dinner. ~Lena Gordon

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