4 Vaginal Strengthening Exercises for More Powerful Orgasms

When a woman has an orgasm, she is exercising her sexual muscles, which play a big part in her orgasmic response and are partly responsible for her orgasmic capacity. If you have weak sexual muscles, you may have a hard time having an orgasm, or, at the very least, you will not have the powerful orgasms that you could be having. To have powerful, intense, and, especially, female-ejaculatory orgasms, you must have strong sexual muscles. The good news is that there are several exercises that can strengthen them.

Your sexual muscles are the muscles of the pelvic floor, your Pubococcygeus or PC muscle, and your vaginal and anal muscles, which are all connected and play a big role in sexual response and orgasmic capacity. Kegel exercises can be used to strengthen your PC and other sexual muscles. Kegel exercises, or just Kegels for short, are named after Dr. Arnold Kegel, the gynecologist who first advised the use of the exercises.

However, these exercises were known long before Dr. Kegel, having been practiced by ancient Taoist and Tantric practitioners for thousands of years. Whereas the Kegel version is only concerned with muscle strengthening, the Taoist and Tantric versions of the exercises also deal with energy circulation. The exercises below are a combined version of both types with an additional exercise included.

Vaginal Strengthening Exercises: Flex your PC muscles (vaginal and anal muscles) as if you are sucking your vagina and anus up into your body. Hold the flex as described, and then release and relax your muscles.

1) Quick Flex:
Flex your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 2 seconds, and then completely relax the muscle. That is one rep. Wait 1 second between reps.

2) Slow Flex:
Slowly flex your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 15 seconds, and then release slowly, completely relaxing the muscle. That is one rep. Wait 5 seconds between reps.

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3) Super Flex:
Slowly flex your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for as long as you can up to 60 seconds, and then release. That is one rep. Wait 30 seconds between reps.

4) Push Out:
This exercise will help you develop the ability to ejaculate and to expel the ejaculate from your body. In this exercise, you are going to push out slowly with your vaginal muscles as if you are trying to push an object out of your vagina, hold for 5-10 seconds, and then release slowly, completely relaxing the muscle. That is one rep. Wait 5 seconds between reps.

Daily Vaginal Strengthening Exercises Program

Quick Flex: 20-100 reps (add ten reps per week) x 1 set. Add 1 set every 2 weeks. Work up to 4 sets daily.
Slow Flex: 10-25 reps (add 3 reps per week) x 1 set. Add 1 set every 2 weeks. Work up to 4 sets daily.
Super Flex: 1-10 reps (add 1 rep per week) x 1 set. Add 1 set every 2 weeks. Work up to 4 sets daily.
Push Out: 10-25 reps (add 3 reps per week) x 1 set. Add 1 set every 2 weeks. Work up to 4 sets daily.

Just as with any exercise program, you should start out slowly and build up over time. Start with the lowest number of repetitions and sets and increase the number of each as suggested. You can do the entire program at one session, or you can split the exercises into several sessions throughout the day.

However, it is important to do every exercise daily in order to make progress. After being on this program for 4-8 weeks you should have dramatically increased your sexual muscle tone, while also dramatically increasing your capacity for sexual pleasure.