6 Horrible Messages Implied By Disney Movies

6 horrible messages that were implied by Disney Cartoon Movies -

When Wendy Darling wakes up in the middle of the night and finds a strange guy rooting around her bedroom, she should have done the logical thing and screamed bloody murder until her parents came and saved her. Basically the film is saying "Allow yourself to get kidnapped, kids, and really cool stuff will happen."



There is no denying the Genie is enslaved against his will, and while that in itself is pretty damn fucked up, what makes matters worse is that Aladdin is aware of the fact that the Genie is genuinely unhappy with his situation and he still exploits it for his own personal gain. I don't know how they do things in Agahbah, but I for one do not feel right rooting for a hero that needs to use slave labor to reach his goal.



The waste that humans dump in the oceans poses a serious threat to the global environment. That's why it's kind of upsetting that most kids will grow up watching a movie in which marine life is not just unfazed by human pollution, but actually enjoys it so much that its hoarded and called treasure. If the movie was responsible it would balance out "Part of Your World" with a scene in which Ariel gets her tail caught in one of those plastic soda rings.


It seems sweet that the Beast and Belle get together in the end, but that is only because the movie does a good job of obscuring the disturbing fact that he 100% kidnaps her. If only she had let Gaston save her, Belle could have gotten the treatment she needed and realized that her feelings for that giant, hairy asshole were the result of a severe emotional trauma.

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In the beginning of the movie, Hercules is just this super-strong fish out of water who pisses off everyone but his parents because he doesn't know his own strength. Then he finds out that the people who raised him aren't his biological mother and father, the god Zeus is, and immediately he's all like "By people who loved me and cared for me even though I wreaked havoc and destruction all my life. You're not my parents anymore. I'm going to Athens and calling a talking statue 'Dad.'"


Things work out in the end, but when Simba, as a child, went to the fringes of society to live with a couple of eccentric homeless dudes who make him eat bugs, he was seriously gambling with his safety. If The Lion King were real life, Timon and Pumba would probably be on meth, and Simba would have been better off just living with his regicidal uncle.

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