7 Myths About Cellulite

There is a lot of misinformation circulating around about cellulite, especially on the internet where you’ll find website after website offering you the secret cure. It might come in form of a cream, a wrap, a pill, a diet or a supplement - people will tell you anything to sell you a product or service that may actually be useless.

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is caused when fat deposits make their way beyond the collagen boundaries in the skin. Once the connective tissue of the collagen is weakened, the fat is able to push freely through, leaving the appearance of cellulite behind. 

Cellulite doesn’t play favorites when it comes to body type, either. You’ll find cellulite in all ranges, from super skinny to obese.  In fact, the number bouncing around right now is upwards of 90% of women have cellulite.  That sure gives a lot of scammers the ability to find women to prey on for their money, right?

Take a look or have a conversation with the older women in your family.  Cellulite is a genetic issue and if they are free from cellulite, you may be in luck. But let’s be real here, with 9 out of 10 women having cellulite, can we get rid of the shame and just accept that there’s really not much one can do other than living a healthy lifestyle, exercising and eating right and just let the dice fall where they may.

But in case you still think you’ve caused your cellulite or can buy it away, here are 7 common misconceptions about cellulite that you need to know about.

Cellulite is Caused by Toxins in the Skin and Pills Can Get Rid of The Toxins (and Cellulite)

Many products that are on the market advertise their ability to remove the toxins that create cellulite. However, cellulite is not caused by toxins in the skin at all. While there are certainly toxins within the body, and you might want to get rid of them, doing so will not get rid of your cellulite.

You’ll Only Get Cellulite if You are Overweight

Most people believe cellulite only affects those of us who are out of shape, overweight, or obese. However in reality, this is simply not true. Even if you are slender or thin, you can still get cellulite. Your age and genetic composition has a lot to do with whether or not you will get cellulite, how much you will get, and where you will get it. So in the end, it doesn’t matter if you’re skinny or bigger—you can (and most likely will) still get it.

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Aerobic Exercise is the Most Effective Way to get Rid of Cellulite

While aerobic exercise may help diminish the appearance of cellulite simply because you are active and fit, it is actually much more helpful to participate in strength training in addition to your aerobic activity. If you lift weights in addition to doing cardio workouts, you are much more likely to lose extra weight and tone your muscles.  This will give the appearance of less cellulite.

Skin-Firming Products will Eliminate Cellulite

Not true. There are no topical products on the market that can actually get rid of cellulite. It does not matter if you have a prescription strength product or not, there are no proven treatments for getting rid of cellulite in the form of a cream or serum. 

Caffeine is a very common ingredient in cellulite creams and it has been said to reduce the appearance of cellulite but it’s a temporary effect.  It’s caused by caffeine’s ability to tighten and plump the skin’s tissue. It’s very (very!) mild and temporary, costly and many people who splurge regret shelling out in the first place.

Clothes Affect Cellulite

Some clothing, such as compression clothing, can help smooth over your skin and keep the cellulite from moving around while you are wearing the compression clothes, but as soon as you take it off, it will no longer have an effect. In fact, if you are wearing clothes with elastic bands, you may be limiting the blood flow in your body which could make your cellulite more noticeable in the long run.

Liposuction Will Get Rid of Cellulite

Liposuction is not the way to go if you want to get rid of cellulite. Removing fat from areas that have extra flab can change the distribution of the fat, making the skin look even more uneven and the cellulite appear worse.  Do a little googling before you even consider going this route. 

Drinking More Water Prevents Cellulite

Drinking more water will not have an effect on how your cellulite looks. It will also not prevent you from developing it. You should always drink at least the recommended daily amount of water—it will definitely benefit your body inside and out, unfortunately, it just won’t affect the cellulite.

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