Do’s and Don’ts For Internet “Dating”

I've put together a list, my own stuff, of things you should and should not do when meeting new people on “dating sites/social media or anywhere on the internet”. It's important to remember that we never really know who we're talking to, and what they're real motives are.. So, while my opinion on this isn't really popular, I believe that less is more and that pertains to how much personal information I give out. So.. without any further ado, here's "The List":

  • When giving out my geographical location, I try to limit myself to a region only, rather than the exact name of the town, province or neighborhood. If you live in a large city, giving that information out is okay, if you're in a rural area, it's better to stick with regional information.


  • NEVER, EVER give out your phone number! (I spoke about it here) It may seem remedial to say this, but people can be strange.. you may find yourself in a rather unenvious position of having to screen your calls, or being threatened or scared. I use “Burner” app, that way I get a fake phone number; and use that (I have to pay a small monthly fee. It is worth it!!!)  If you want to talk on the phone, get their number and call them! Be Safe!!

  • whatsapp, yeah don’t use it; same for Facebook messenger and other social media platforms. whatsapp, is a great way for people to hide the fact they are married or masturbating to your photo while they are at work (yes , it happens!) or again, married. And married people  are usually thinking “it isn’t porn, so….and we are not fucking in real life, therefore it isn’t cheating” NEWSFLASH: IT IS CHEATING and called an EMOTIONAL AFFAIR!


  • Pictures.. If you're going to put your picture on the internet, you have NO reason to believe it's going to stay where you put it. In fact, anybody can right click on an image and take it from a web site. Once you put it up, you have NO idea where it's going. Give a lot of consideration to putting your picture up, and never put a picture of yourself with anyone else without first getting their permission!

  • Bragging! Yeah, it's competitive and we think we need all the points we can get.. so we brag about ourselves right? WRONG!! You're sending an open invitation to those who would defraud you, if you tell them you own a house or two, a few cars, a great job, whatever, you're practically rolling out the red carpet for jerks to crawl outta the woodwork to hit on you! Make no mistake, lots of guys are pretty, jerks fall into all categories. Limit how much information you give out! If you're nice, they'll flock to you!
Read this hot story:
Signs to Lookout For (major red flags when online dating)


  • Your "Handle (screen name)”. Your "Handle" is your moniker. It's the name everybody on personal and chat sites associate with who you are. Want trouble? Use a name that's guaranteed to get it for you. Names like HotBabe or anything ending with "69" is a sure invitation you'll get attention - whether you want it or not. Don't "go there" with handles, not only will they earn you undesired attention, but in a lot of cases, they break down the levels of the other women in the site by leading newcomers (men) to the assumption that if there's one "Hot" woman in the room, they're all "hot". Don't do that to the others, don't do it to yourself. What kind of person are you tempting with that kind of handle? Ask yourself that when thinking about a "handle" for yourself. Think about your best qualities and the kind of person you want to attract. Proceed accordingly.


  • Behavior! I can't stress enough how important it is to maintain some kind of appropriate decorum on dating sites,, social media, feet finder, OnlyFans, etc.. (if you use OnlyFans and sites like that NEVER show your face! Especially if you are selling your tits and ass, best not to get your face out there!) and if you're looking for trouble, go to an adult site that encourages that kind of behavior. If you're seriously looking for a mate, he's not going to be the kind of guy who wants to orgy with you when you chat on any social media or dating site platform. Not only do you diminish your own self-respect, you tear down the esteem of the other women in the room, and that's not fair.

As always my lovelies, BE SAFE when you are dating! I talk about dating and relationship advice on my podcast:

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