Avoiding Heartbreak (Dating a Friend Advice)

Developing an attraction for a friend can sometimes be a tricky situation. Letting your interest be known can either break or make the relationship. The last thing you want is to reveal your feelings and lose a good friend. Learn to avoid potential heartbreak with this list of situations to avoid when you feel you may want to become more than friends.

The other person is already involved with someone.
You should never try and break up a relationship regardless of what your friend says about it. If they are unhappy it is up to them to handle the situation. Don't let yourself be the fallback love just because you may be interested in them. If they become available again, and the timing is right for you, pursue your interest then.

You are already involved with someone.
End any relationships before pursuing another. Once you've done that you can enter into a new relationship without the emotional baggage of a tangled romance.

They've already said they do not want to be more than friends.
As hard as it may feel, if your interest has an aversion to becoming romantic with a friend you'll need to accept that. Try surrounding yourself with new people for a while to help diminish your attraction.

You're interested in them because you feel secure with them.
Of course being comfortable with a potential partner is an important factor, but it can't be the only one. So many times people fall into relationships because they are comfortable with each other. Doing so can be at the risk of finding that one true passionate love affair. If you find yourself interested because it's easy to be…don't.

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You don't want to see them with someone else.
Jealous feelings alone are not enough of a romantic indicator to pursue a relationship. Giving into the jealousy can cause more of a separation than the closeness you may actually desire. Allow yourself some space from your friend to reevaluate what your feeling.

You know that revealing your feelings will end the relationship.
A true friend is more valuable than anything you can find. Why ruin the chance of a lifetime relationship with this person for the possibility of what could be a short romance? Sustaining love can only exist when both people have love for each other. You can't make a relationship happen, or work, with one-sided affection.

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