A Busy Woman’s Sexual Schedule- Dear Salty Vixen

Welcome to another episode S-Spot with Salty Vixen, where I talk about Love, Sex & Relationships. Today's podcast is titled "A Busy Woman's Sexual Schedule"  This question was submitted by a reader to saltyvixenstories.com. The question is about friends with benefits- and finding time.

Dear Salty Vixen, This is a question that is bothering me and so you seemed the logical person to ask. I have several friends with benefits. One I see once each week, the other has a more difficult time finding time. There have been occasions when I thought the only possibility, because of the time problems, was to see both on the same day, but a number of hours apart.

However, I have avoided doing so because I don't want #2 to know I've had an earlier session with #1. Will a good shower and wash removed traces of the first so that the second will not "pick up the scent?" What are your thoughts and any tips?- Give Me Love


Dear Give Me Love, my readers and listeners,

In these modern times, a busy woman's sexual schedule can get pretty hectic as she tries to keep herself and her lover(s) satisfied. But even in casual sex relationships like yours, many lovers would like to feel that their sex partner has arrived fresh and ready for them and not "messy" from a previous tryst.

As always, using condoms is very important, but perhaps more so in your situation for reasons other than the obvious.

Read this hot story:
Comprehension Audio Erotica Story by Salty Vixen

Besides helping to protect you from STI's and HIV, using a condom will ensure that you don't have another man's cum seeping out of you when you are with your next lover. While there is a chance that he might not notice it, there is a chance that he will and this is a chance you might not want to take.

In addition, whether you use a condom or not, you might want to consider not allowing your second lover of the day to give you oral sex. If you didn't use a condom with the earlier fellow it's possible that he will notice a difference, and if you did use the condom he might smell the latex or lube.

I would also recommend taking a shower and changing your clothes (or at least your panties) between lovers to get rid of any traces of someone else's cologne and bodily fluids. Then you and your body will be clean and refreshed for your next encounter (or for the rest of your day).