Autumn Nights for Two : Cheap Date Night Ideas

Autumn Nights Party For Two
Recreate the magic of a night-time picnic in a pumpkin patch.

What to get...

  • Go to a local craft store and purchase a large amount of autumn colored leaves. You may need to buy a string of them and cut or pull the leaves off the main wire. Do not buy cheap quality leaves as the colors can bleed and they often have a weird smell.
  • Buy 8-10 various sized pumpkins. If you don't have much time to devote to this event, buy smaller sized pumpkins.
  • Get a large pack, or two 8-10 count packages, of tea lights.
  • Get a bottle of white wine, a bag of marshmallows, two wine glasses, a comfy throw blanket, and a picnic basket (or large wicker basket).


What to do...

  1. At a time your love isn't home, up to a few days before the planned event, prepare your pumpkins for carving as normal. Then, instead of making the traditional jack 'o lantern faces, cut out around 2" sized stars, circles and heart shapes. If you have 9 pumpkins, make 3 three of them hearts, 3 circles and 3 stars. Hide the pumpkins until the night of event. Right before you show your surprise, place the pumpkins in various spots on the floor in the room. Put a tea light in each one and light it.
  2. Remove all the blankets except the sheets off of your bed. Sprinkle your autumn leaves to cover the entire bed. Sprinkle the remaining leaves to cover the floor as well.
  3. So your partner can see you, put your two wine glasses, bottle of wine, corkscrew, blanket and bag of marshmallows in your picnic basket.
  4. Get your love, if they aren't there already, and tell them you have a surprise for them. Take them to the room and enjoy the time together.
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If you're planning this to take place on Halloween night, make sure to start it well after trick or treaters have gone to bed. If you have children, make sure they will be occupied or asleep when this takes place. Turn the ringers off on your phone and enjoy the quiet time together. Also, be sure to make sure your partner is available the night you're planning this!

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