Beginner Cardio – 20-Minute Workout

This basic cardio workout takes you through a moderate 20 minute routine where you'll alternate between a baseline, moderate level and a slightly higher level by changing your settings.  This workout is designed to be used with any cardio machine and you'll use this Perceived Exertion chart to match how you feel to the suggested Perceived Exertion levels . Your baseline level should feel harder than your warm up, taking you just out of your comfort zone.  Keep in mind that your settings may change as you get deeper into the workout and start to get tired.  The idea is to find your baseline wherever it may be, even if you have to reduce your speed, incline, resistance, etc.

See your doctor before trying this workout if you have any injuries, illnesses or other conditions.

Equipment Needed
Any cardio machine or activity.

How To

  • Complete each segment of the workout, setting speed, incline, resistance or ramps to match the suggested Perceived Exertion Levels
  • Modify the workout as needed to fit your fitness level, preferences and goals
  • Slow down or stop the workout if you feel any pain, dizziness or shortness of breath 

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