Clowns of the View are in Defense of Jamaal Bown D.C. Fire Alarm (VIDEO)

The clowns.. I mean the hosts of ABC’s “The View” twisted themselves into knots during Monday’s broadcast in an attempt to run defense for Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and the brouhaha surrounding him pulling a fire alarm.I miss The View when they first started, they had conversations, they debated. It wasn't one-sided. Now, the View is a joke. I miss the old Whoopie, when hse first started on the show. I know the hosts are paid to be anti Republican but I just wish they could have their own opinion and not the Democrat paid opinion. Like or dislike Conservative, but make it your own opinion and stop letting the money talk because The View hosts look like clowns on TV for being one-sided.

Bowman claimed that he had been confused by a sign labeling the door and “emergency exit” and warning that an alarm would sound if the door were opened — and for that reason, he said he believed pulling the fire alarm on the wall nearby would cause the door to open.

Cohost Alyssa Farah Griffin called Bowman out, saying that it appeared as though he had pulled the fire alarm in an effort to stall the vote — on the continuing resolution that would forestall a government shutdown — so that he could buy himself more time to read it.

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Whoopi Goldberg said that she would have done the same thing, arguing that he clearly just wanted to get the door open.

Her final assessment appeared to line up with what Hostin had said, and she reiterated her initial position — namely that he was being kept from getting to where he needed to be to vote.

“I would have pressed whatever I had to press to get the door open because I know you would expect me not to be there to vote,” she said.

Bowman remains the subject of two investigations into his actions.