Danny Masterson, MSU Head Coach & More- S-Spot with Salty Vixen

I thought today we will talk about Danny Masterson, MSU Head Coach & More -main focus is Sexual Assault/Rape/Sexual Harassment and my personal story. Everything is on the podcast. Listen to it above. 

I was sexually assaulted 18 June 2004 on a polo field- in England. I remember everything and I shared my story in the podcast.


Sexual assault can take many different forms, but one thing remains the same: it’s never the victim’s fault.

What is sexual assault?

The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include:

  • Attempted rape
  • Fondling or unwanted sexual touching
  • Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator’s body
  • Penetration of the victim’s body, also known as rape

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