Donald Trump “Blue Steel” look is a for us Americans- we are all sick of the B.S.

Thursday August 24th, 2023 at 7:30PM EST, Donald J. Trump flew into Atlanta, Georgia and surrendered himself, got fingered printed and a photo taken before paying bond $200,000 for his release. And he took the classic Zoolander Blue Steel look (and Trump was in the Zoolander movie):- the look was for US Americans, regardless what Political Party you are on- because we are sick of the bullshit. We are sick of the rich people making decisions for us. Trump knows this and he is determined to fix this  for We, the people of United States of America.

Let's be honest here. Donald Trump’s mugshot will be the most trafficked photo in the history of planet Earth because social media is so ubiquitous. If you like Trump or not, this is a fact.

I had been pondering if I would write an article about Trump as Salty Vixen Stories & More, is a Digital Magazine that talks about Love, Sex & Relationships with occasional political news. Since this is my website, I feel, it was time to give my opinion about Mr. Trump.

I think he was a good president. I have written an article talking about the good things he did while he was President and the Leftist media wanted to tarnish the good things he did. Since Biden took office, America has become a laughing stock, and last time we were laughed at was during the Bush Jr. Administration. I know, because when Bush Jr. was President, I was living in Europe and worked in Parliament as an intern. At the time Americans could say we weren't Americans while living in Europe. His administration was disastrous because the people he relied on for that advice were execrable and self-motivated. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Wolfowitz were the people who ruined Bush, not bush himself.

I am proud to be an American, which the Biden Administration (or perhaps Democrats in general. Scratch that. The "Woke" version of Democrats is probably accurate since former President Bill Clinton was a Democrat (thought like a Republican)- is trying to say to the people, that it is wrong to be proud of the country we are born in - land of the Free.

I constantly see across social media "White Supremacy" or "White folks are racists. MAGA are racists" -  never in my life and I am in my 40s, have I heard so much hate from social media. People calls Republican Trump lovers of Trumpsters. Being proud to be American has nothing to do with Trump, has to do with being proud of the country we are born in. And as for MAGA being racists- nope. Actually 98% folks are not racists. The people spewing hate claiming racism by other cultures, they are racists themselves.

And that is a form of bullying and bullying is a crime. So let's stop with the hate and let's keep America Great- let's bring America back to the way it should be - not divided by Democrats.

In the 90s, I asked my grandma why she is Republican because the public school system taught me that Republicans are bad and Democrats are good! Her response was "Someday you will understand what it means to be a Democrat and what it means to be a Republican". I finally understood it when the witch hunt against Trump began. I was not part of any political party. Last time I voted was before Obama. Yes, I know it is my right to vote, but truth is I didn't vote. I didn't like any of the candidates because they ask for money, from us poor / middle class folks (and rich too!), which, we have money that we are trying to pay for life and not politics. They have their own money. They are rich. They should use their money- if they cared about us!

I am 1/2 Appalachian and it is a culture not many udnerstand. A culture that is dying away. We say "Purtty" for pretty and "Warsh" for wash. When you go to Appalachia, the 30 and younger don't speak like that anymore. They speak normal english and it is sad what politics has done to America culture- destroying it.

“No community is an island, cut off from the rest of America.” President John F. Kennedy spoke those words about the necessity for an Appalachian highway system during a 1960 campaign stop in Charleston, W.Va.   Yes, we were an Island. On our own. We have accents that goes back to when our ancestors came to America and 95% of Appalachian folk, are mixed with Native American roots. I know the Tribes I came from but sadly written proof is gone with floods that happened over the years. We depend on oral tradition that has been handed down and also DNA doesn't show anything since most of the tribes are mixed into our blood, there is no pure DNA strand for any of the Tribes 🙁

The fears of older-generation Appalachians were fueled by disconnection from the rest of America. And the fears are still there as our culture is dying- the culture I tell my kids about. My one kid tells me "stop talking like a hick" I said "Let met tell you about our family proud where you come from and don't ya forget that our family was dirt poor and you would never know that because they are proud people! I am proud of my roots and someday you will understand where you came from"

Truth is, growing up in Michigan, my 2nd great teacher and my peers didin't want me to be proud of my accent. I had to dumb it down for years. Yes, being told I talk like a hick was wrong but that is how it is once you go to another part of America. People don't get culture as much as we should. We should listen to each other and learn from each other.


So that brings me to today's article. Trump's picture. Everyone knows he will run again and the Woke Democrats are shaking. Look people at the end of the day it is all about a vote. Politicians don't give a shit about you or I. But Trump does!

So when he got his mugshot taken, it was a win for Trump. The Left thought it would be a win for them, but here’s the thing about Trump: Trump is a walking, living, breathing meme. He is made for TV. He is made for the Internet. He’s changed our age because of that.

It’s not as though no one knew he was arrested. It’s not as though it was a shock dawning on the American people that Donald Trump is under indictment in four separate jurisdictions. We’ve known about all of this for months. What the mugshot does — especially this particular mugshot — is give Trump the appearance of somebody who is bravely standing up to forces that are going after him.

Whatever else you can say about the guy, he was a TV star; he knows what he looks like on camera. There is zero chance that before he did this mugshot, he didn’t sit with his team and say, “Okay, what expression should I use in the mugshot since it’s going to be the most trafficked photo of me ever? What expression should I use?”- which we know it was "Zoolander Blue Steel" which translates to "Determined and I am sick of this bullshit (we are all sick of it Donald!)"

The Democrats are bending every effort to destroy the middle class. Without this vital center as a bulwark of democracy, America will fall into their hands. They want a nation of the super-rich and the Proles a la “1984” and nothing in between, and them as the Inner Party.

Unlike with the other 900 indictments, this time they decided to take and publish his mugshot. There was, of course, no legitimate reason to take a mugshot of a former president. The whole purpose of a mugshot is to provide law enforcement with photographic documentation of the suspect. But Donald Trump is the most recognizable and famous person in the world — possibly in the history of the world. When he shows up for trial they aren’t going to have to refer back to his mugshot to make sure it’s really him. There isn’t going to be anyone saying, “Wait, is that Donald Trump? It’s hard to tell. Pull up his mug shot.”

Georgia's DA, Fani Willis, who seems to have a stick up her butt (I am calling it what everyone else is saying!) she has hate for a man she hardly knows. Is the hate due to the fact before Trump ran for President, that he was a Democrat supporter? He donates millions over the years to the Democratic Party. In fact December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent).

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So she thought, by being a butthead about Trump, that what she did was a win, but instead she made Trump even more popular. In fact, we can say that if Donald Trump does manage to get elected to the presidency again, Fani Willis will be largely responsible for it. She is the most effective campaign manager Trump has ever had, even if unintentionally.

In fact, many on the Left don’t want Trump incarcerated — they want him ki**ed . An MSNBC anchor just openly fantasized about Donald Trump getting shanked and murdered in prison. Watch for proof:


We’ve played a lot of demented clips on this show over the years. That one is up there. Not long ago, Nicole Wallace was running comms for the White House during the Iraq war. Back then, she had to pretend to care about the deaths of innocent people at the hands of establishment Washington.

These people will do everything they can to silence Donald Trump. MSNBC and CNN, after obsessively covering Trump’s trip to Georgia all day, made a point of cutting away from his remarks yesterday. Watch:

Here’s what they’re not telling viewers at MSNBC. The Fulton County DA, Fani Willis, has indicted Donald Trump, along with 18 co-defendants, for the following crimes: Offering legal advice to the president, tweeting things that Fani Willis doesn’t like, and, in one particularly egregious case, getting someone’s phone number.

The indictment states: “On or about the 21st Day of November 2020, Mark Randall Meadows sent a text message to United States Representative Scott Perry from Pennsylvania and stated, ‘Can you send me the number for the speaker and the leader of PA Legislature. POTUS wants to chat with them.’ This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.”

Think about what a remarkable paragraph that is. Mark Meadows, in his capacity as chief of staff to Donald Trump, was seeking to obtain the phone number of some politicians in Pennsylvania. And because the reason for that request was investigating potential voter fraud, Fani Willis says Mark Meadows needs to go to prison, along with more than a dozen other Trump advisers.

One of those advisers is John Eastman. What’s his offense? He advanced the legal theory that alternative slates of electors could be seated if election fraud was found. That’s apparently criminal now. It wasn’t illegal in 1960, when JFK’s electors from Hawaii met secretly and submitted their own certificates to Washington, saying he had won the state. As POLITICO reported, “the Hawaii Democrats used virtually the same language” that Trump electors in five states “used in their effort to upend the 2020 race.” Ultimately, Kennedy’s electors turned out to be the legitimate ones, after a recount determined Kennedy had won the state.

Anyone looking at that episode in 1960 would say it’s a good thing that alternative electors can be sent to Washington, in the case of a recount that changes the result of the election. But now that’s criminal. It’s a “RICO violation,” supposedly. John Eastman and several other lawyers are now facing several years in prison because they did exactly what JFK’s electors did — and were vindicated for doing — in 1960. David Shafer, who was one of Trump’s alternate electors from Georgia, has also been indicted.

Ray Smith is facing jail time, too. His offense? Per Axios, Smith, “gathered witnesses to testify in hearings before Georgia lawmakers in Dec. 2020 about alleged problems with the state’s election.” That’s not allowed anymore.

Neither is tweeting about these hearings, apparently.The indictment states: “On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, Donald John Trump caused to be tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump, ‘Georgia hearings now on @OANN. Amazing!’ This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.” For the crime of tweeting about a hearing about election fraud, and related offenses, Fani Willis wants to send Trump and 18 of his associates to prison.

And she wants to do it very quickly. Willis just filed a request with the court for this trial to take place in just two months — beginning on October 23. So, for this unprecedented criminal trial of 19 defendants, based on a completely novel and insane legal theory, she wants the defense to have a total of two months to prepare. Is that constitutional? Honestly, no one in the DA’s office seems to care.

It’s at this point that it’s fair to look into the Fulton County DA, Fani Willis. It’s long been known she’s a Democrat and an opponent of Donald Trump. In itself, that’s not necessarily disqualifying. Everyone, even DA’s, has a right to his or her own political opinions.

But Fani Willis has gone far beyond that. Just a year ago, she hosted a fundraiser for a Democratic candidate running against one of the targets of her election investigation, a state senator named Burt Jones. Jones was one of Trump’s alternate electors. Here’s how the judge responded when he found out about this:

This is a DA who has to be told by a judge not to host fundraisers for the political opponents of politicians she plans to prosecute. She’s that dumb and corrupt. By the way, Jones wasn’t indicted along with the other 19 defendants, maybe because Fani Willis knew the judge would throw it out. She blew that prosecution.

But if you look at Fani Willis’ social media feeds, as Benny Johnson did the other day, then you’ll come to the conclusion that actually, she’s blown all 19 of these prosecutions. Willis’ feed is littered with posts casting doubt on the legitimacy of the 2020 election before the vote totals suddenly shifted against Trump.

For example, “Georgia could determine who is our next president,” she wrote on November 4, 2020. “A TEAM of lawyers needs to watch them count every single VOTE. They can start in Fulton where we are having water leaks. What ballots are they throwing out? Georgia lets give an honest accounting. No stunts!”

In 2018, Willis said it was suspicious that local election commissioners hadn’t approved a recount of some votes in Fulton County. “You all better start paying attention to what is really going on,” she wrote. She also argued that the Secretary of State “controls elections,” adding, “I wonder if we yet realize that is an important role?” She also posted a lot of BLM propaganda, worships Kamala Harris, and owns a mug saying she’s a “proud Democrat.”

So we can conclude that Fani Willis is something of a politically motivated election denier. As always, the Left is guilty of doing exactly what they accuse their opponents of doing. The obvious point is that Donald Trump’s social media posts, if they are criminal, then so are Fani Willis’. Her prosecution of Donald Trump, based on her posts, is an “overt act” in furtherance of her conspiracy to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.

Will Republicans indict Fani Willis? If Republicans retake the federal government, will they jail her for election interference? Ask any conservative right now, and they’ll tell you it will never happen. And they’re probably right. But should they? We, the people think so! Regardless what political party. Sadly, it won't happen.

So question is, will the election be Rigged again? Yes, it was Rigged. None of it made sense! Or will we have a higher voter turnout? Who will win? WIll it be Trump? I hope so! We need to get America back on track! When he was President, we didn't have any wars. Grocery and gas prices were down. Things were affordable for us Middle Class folk. Especially us single parents. Trump does care about us. It is the Woke Democrats who spew lies. It is the media, who are paid to spew lies. Wake up people. Like or hate Trump, Trump cares about us.