Five Steps to Erotic Massage

If a therapeutic massage is what you have in mind, look elsewhere. For while erotic massage can have, it is therapeutic qualities, the goal is not muscular therapy. To give (or receive.) an erotic massage can be one of the most fulfilling forms of foreplay available. You should know, however, that it is also one of the most time consuming. This one should not be used when time is an issue. (see related article: Esalen massage that feeling of relaxation)

To start out, make sure that you and your partner are both comfortable and relaxed. You won't stay relaxed for long, but you should at least start out that way. Remember that the end goal of the massage is arousal, but the point of the massage is the sensations along the way.

1. Try to avoid, at least at first, obvious sexual zones.
Turn your entire partners body into an erogenous zone. Touch places that have never been touched before in a sexual manner.

2. Vary your touch.
Start out with a light finger dusting, and then change to a deeper reaching touch. A light scraping of your nails can raise Goosebumps and pleasure.

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3. Use all tools available on your person.
Your tongue, breath, and hair can all be effective. The most erotic feelings can come when your partner is not expecting the touch you are about to use.

4. Be random.
Don't think that you must cover area A, then area B, then area C in some set format. Move around from site to site. Again, when your partner does not know what to expect, arousal is heightened.

5. Obey the Golden Rule:
Do to your partner what you think would feel good to you.

Let things progress naturally, but don't be in a rush to get to the finish line. Do that, and you'll miss all of the amazing scenery. Explore, touch, taste, and feel your partner's body in ways that you never have before. There is pleasure in the process for both the giver and receiver, and even more pleasure if you take your time.

Happy Massaging!

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