Have You Ever Used A Vibrator So Long That Even After You Stopped It Still Tingled?

Have you ever used a vibrator so long that even after you stopped it still tingled?

Not exactly, but my clit does continue to tingle often after orgasm, which is my volcano goddesses way of asking for more sperm to sacrifice themselves to her. *wink*

Was it pleasurable or annoying?

If we're talking about my my tingling, then it's wonderful!

Is it damaging?

I don't think so. Though I suppose it would be possible to damage nerve endings, at least in the sense that you'd become hyper-sensitive or desensitized due to the overload.

If you experience such discomforting or distressing tingling from a vibe, I'd suggest trying a vibe with more subtle vibrations. There are quite a wide variety of settings, speeds etc. And some women, myself included, find internal better than direct placement. Which means you might even try placing the vibe next to, rather than directly on top of, your clit.

Is there a standard rating for vibes? Should there be?

I don't believe there is, at least not with the motors etc. Not even the materials. (Say goodbye to jelly, please! Phthalates are dangerous. Or, if filled with sex toy lust you simply must, use a condom over the vibe.) In the US, at least, vibes and other sex toys would need to present a "substantial product hazard" -- a danger that in the course of using the product as it's made to be used could cause major injury or death. How do they get around the problem with Phthalates then? Look at the packaging of your sex toy (or another on a shelf) and you'll likely see that it's a "novelty" or even a "personal massager," marketed with no "directions for use" which include insertion or penetration.

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In other words, you decide to insert it in any orifice (or men, to insert their penis into their toy), it's your own damn choice and not what the product was made for. It keeps their hands clean, at least as far as government repercussions (including regulations) go.

I'm rather for regulations or ratings for sex toys as far as safety and health are concerned. Meanwhile, you can create your own safe solo sex experience by being educated.

Do you like high thrills or deep rumblings?

Deep rumblings ~ deep, deep inside. Puh-leeze.

Steady or pulsating?

Pulsating. Most like the real thing. If I can't have the real thing, then I slap a condom on my favorite toy .

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