Hoping for Romance

Dear Salty Vixen,

My boyfriend, who is 32, and I (I am 28) have been together for almost two years now and we express our love readily, but we hardly ever do any romantic things. My boyfriend is a very non-romantic guy. The only times he is romantic is when he's not trying to be and it just happens, but it's few and far between! Sometimes I want a little bit more romance to spice things up, yet I know he would not go for many of the suggestions on this site. What should I do? -Hoping for Romance

Dear Hoping for Romance,

Each person's idea of romance is different. For that very reason, here at saltyvixenstories.com, we define romance as anything a person does to make the other partner feel loved. If you take this into consideration you will probably find your partner doing many romantic things for you.



Just because it may not be roses and champagne, it doesn't mean he may not be making an effort to show his appreciation. If you want to add the more typical elements of romance into your relationship, begin doing them yourself. Most times, guys don't even know what their partner would appreciate or consider romantic. If you start doing simple romantic actions, like planning a surprise candlelight dinner or a surprise day trip getaway he will be more likely to reciprocate.

With Love,

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