How do you know if he/she is your twin flame?

What is a Twin Flame? Have you met yours?  A twin flame is an intense soul connection with someone thought to be a person's other half, sometimes called a "mirror soul." It's based on the idea that sometimes one soul gets split into two bodies.

One of the main characteristics of a twin flame relationship is that it will be both challenging and healing. This is due to the mirroring nature of a twin flame; they show you your deepest insecurities, fears, and shadows. But they also help you overcome them, and vice versa—your twin flame will be equally affected by you.

You feel a love like no other before. You feel totally connected, you feel their emotions when they are thousands of miles away, when you totally align and their soul is clear (basically all the nonsense between you is put to the side, there’s always big baggage that dilutes things) you will be telepathic. You will sense how they are, you will know what something isn’t right, it affects your mood. They mirror you, and that doesn’t mean being alike, you will alike in many ways, but in other things they will mirror the opposite. So, say, for example, you separate, one of you will block you out and distract themselves to cope, the other will immerse themselves in that pain etc.

I have met mine. Although I don't think he is that spiritual, so he probably doesn't know he is my twin flame but deep down, he knows there is something between us that is a push-pull thing. Hot and Cold. A deep attraction.

There will be insane glitches and signs. These are some of them I experienced:

An “orb” electricity pulsed through the pair of us when we first hugged, it was like the merging of two souls and we both were visibly shaken. Neither of us knew anything about twin flames back then, but we knew something existential had happened. The hug resulted in an orgasm- yep! You can get an orgasm though a hug, I did! Correction, we BOTH did. I remember it clearly: May 6th (year I won't say).

A deep sense of knowing when you meet for the first time and can remember it. Although I have a photographic memory and can remember conversations from years past, he doesn't remember in detail as much as I do.

You simply cannot get them out of your head no matter how they annoy you. You might not live in the same city, state or country. Something might trigger your thoughts about them.

Something will always push you back to them, even when you know it is probably not for the best at that time. You will have some sort of journey involved where one of you is awakened and the other isn’t.

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There will be obvious growth within both of you.

For me, especially, you won’t feel ready despite this being everything to you, I chose a few times to not unite when it was right there for me, even when it made me ill to be apart, there is certainly an element of divine timing involved.

There will be glitches, like syncs between you in their presence. For example, both feeling a strange sense of De Ja Vu that you both acknowledge, and other unexplainable things unless you experience them regarding what we called “glitches”.

You will feel incredible peace in their presence.

There will usually be some sort of sacrifice involved to be together, but this is the very thing that keeps you apart, because your own fear stops you going for what you want and stay safe. You always feel like you’ll end up together anyway, but at just the right time, it’s a weird one and you feel naïve, but you just have to keep the faith.

Your intercourse will be almost hard to describe, it is different and tantalizing (exciting one's senses or desires.).

Your kisses will feel like heaven.

You will look incredible together and maybe have some sort of distinguishable feature you both share, for us it was a beauty spot.

I could go on, but I think the main one is always feeling connected wherever you are, whatever you do, and really feeling their emotions. Both of you will completely infiltrate each other’s consciousness and you will always, no matter what, think of them, whether in anger, jealousy, love, it will never go away, it stays with you every day.

You long for them like nothing else. Problem is not everyone goes off to marry their Twin Flame (and yes it sucks because you compliment each other. Why? Twin Flames, in theory, balance one another. They complement each other because they're just different enough. Think of Twin Flames as being the ultimate yin and yang. They bring balance into each other's lives.

You both have dream visits and the dreams are so vivid and real that you remember them. There have been times I wake up and even if I don’t remember the dream, I feel like he was there with me somehow (?) I’ve also felt like we were communicating telepathically in the dream. As the years have passed, I have come to appreciate these dreams as they keep me grounded in faith of the divinity of this journey. The best dream visits are the sex dreams. VERY hot.

You might get upset at your Twin Flame but as time goes on you forgive each other in both spiritual and physical.