How to Conduct a Successful One-Night Stand

The one-night stand is the silent engine behind many a night out. The eternal possibility that your night might with you playing the giddy tour guide of your apartment to a sexy new companion is enough to keep you hitting the clubs weekend after weekend.

All the anticipation is part of the fun, but what about the moment of truth -- the moment you let a woman into your place for the first time, a woman you've never met before and you may never meet again?

Because this woman probably didn't know you before tonight, she doesn't have much to go on. She assumes you're a cool guy -- she's in your house, after all -- but, as the saying goes, anything you say or do can be used against you. And that goes for the state of your bathroom, as well. What you don't want is a night's worth of seduction to evaporate before your very eyes when she sees your dingy sheets and decides that actually, she'd better get home because she has early plans with her sister tomorrow.

Before you head out for the night, make sure you have the following taken care of. Trust us, this stuff matters.

Keep It Clean

First and foremost, we recommend that before you go out, you take a very deep cleansing shower and scrub everywhere . Get into all those little nooks and crannies, especially if you want your sidekick to enjoy giving you a tongue-lashing experience. Oh yeah, and try not to sweat up a storm at the club either.

Taking Her Home

Let's get one thing out of the way: If you live with roommates (or your parents -- let's be honest, it's a tough economy), think twice about heading back to your place. She might be just as happy to go to her's. The whole point of a one-night stand is to ensure a wild evening of passion, rather than having to shush one another the entire way through.

As mentioned with personal hygiene earlier, make sure your place is clean and tidy before you leave the house. There's nothing that can ruin the moment like your lady watching you shove half of your wardrobe off the bed and into a pile on the floor. Conversely, women love fresh clean sheets that smell faintly of "guy." We heard this from a reliable lady source, so you're going to have to trust us.

Make sure you have some alcohol on hand in case you both need a nightcap to loosen up after the sudden change of venue from club to bedroom -- and we're not talking about beer. Sure, she might gladly drink a beer, but have something else on hand too, like red wine or a little vodka and tonic.

If You Started Getting Busy On The Way Home

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How to Start Getting More Dates Starting TODAY!

If you guys already began your sexual adventure in the car on the way to your place, then forget the music and once you open the door to your house, put her up against the wall and kiss her as though she's water and you've been stuck on a desert for four years. Women love spontaneity, but don't begin ravishing her right away.

Foreplay is important even if it may be the last time you ever see her (depending on how good it is, of course). Even if all you want to do is get busy, remember that this is your chance to be creative and take your time. Otherwise, how else is she going to describe you to her girlfriends tomorrow?

Space To Let

Don't end up crouching on your couch with your elbow cutting off the circulation in her arm. Make sure you're in a space that is comfortable and roomy so that you can maneuver freely. Places like the bed, a covered floor and even a nice dining room table are adequate. There's no need to find yourself in an awkward position just because you're trying to be spontaneous.

Pause For A PSA About Safe Sex

Now I don't want to hear any arguments on this one -- you must absolutely, positively use protection at all times. Even if she claims she's on the Pill, you still have to wear a condom because there's a lot more potential damage available than just a baby.

Keep your condoms in a discreet spot by the bed -- a little box on your bedside table, or in a drawer. That way you won't have to get up to get one and completely break the mood. At the risk of offending your intelligence, always, always stock condoms. Yes, many women carry them too. But the responsibility is really yours, and if you don't have them in stock, you don't deserve to be getting laid.

The Risks

The underlying truth here is that this is probably no-strings-attached sex. Sure, there's the possibility that you'll have a real connection, that it'll lead to more. But that's not the point of a one-night stand. So don't muddy the water with awkward acknowledgement that you may never see each other again -- now is the time to live in the moment. After all, she's not stupid. Shower her with appreciation and affection, hope that she does the same, and take a mental picture of her so that you'll remember her when you're old and gray and not getting laid anymore. But yeah -- keep the camera out of it. She might think that's creepy.

Considering it's a one-night thing, why not make it as kinky, crazy and fulfilling as possible -- for both you and her?

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