How to Fix Writer’s Block the Simple Way

You know how it is- you have your laptop open. You turn on the music and begin writing your idea and then it happens. You are stuck. You are frustrated because now you have writer's block!  You just can't do it. Or worse: you don't Want to do it. Everything you found fun interesting and cool just… wasn't fun, interesting or cool anymore. 
You pass by the computer and go do something else. You shrug it off. Maybe you just needed to give your brain a rest. You find yourself doing something else for several days, and then several weeks have gone by. Then several months, sometimes several years, but... 

You just can't make yourself go back.
What the heck happened? 

Two words: WRITER'S BLOCK. The number one cause of Professional Authors abandoning their manuscripts and perfectly profitable writing professions.

YOU are Not Alone.  
Talk to any webmaster or artist, they'll tell you EXACTLY the same thing. They were working their butts off 24/7 and all of a sudden, everything in their head just -- stopped.

When Artists run out of vision, they call it Artist's block. When Webmasters run out of ideas, they call it Burn Out. Writers get it too; they call it Writer's Block.

What Stopped? Or rather, What's Missing? Answer: Daydreams.
All those really cool Daydream musings you had all day, every day are missing. Writing is mentally exhaustive work that takes a high level of concentration and a huge amount of creativity. Yes - Creativity. Every character, and every story you come up with comes from your IMAGINATION.

Your Imagination has run Dry.
How do you FIX Writer's Block?
The same way artists and webmasters fix it.
First, Rest. Exhaustion plays a huge factor is this particular disease. Rest equals: VACATION. Take a week; take two! Get your brain out of that box! Then...
FEED your Starving Imagination 

How the heck do you do that?

Go back to the SOURCE of your musings.
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