How to Give Yourself a Scalp Massage

Massages are great. They help you relax, relieve stress and in the case of scalp massages, are believed to help with hair growth. Whether or not regular scalp massages make your hair grow, they just plain feel good. Learn how to give yourself a scalp massage, and once you know the ropes, you can massage someone else's scalp, which they'll love.

Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: 5 to 20 minutes

Steps for a Scalp Massage

  • Loosen your hair. Your hair doesn't have to be completely loose, but remove all pins, scrunchies, headbands and accessories. You can massage your scalp while your hair is braided or twisted, so these styles don't need to be undone, but ponytails should be taken down. You want to be able to reach as much of the scalp as possible.


  • Divide your hair into four to eight quadrants with a part down the center. You don't have to physically do this with very precise parts and a rattail comb; you can just mentally divide your scalp into sections to massage. You'll work on one area at a time on either side.


  • Using your fingertips only (keep your nails out of it), begin at your temples, massaging a small section in this area. Move your fingertips in small circular motions. Don't press too hard, but keep your pressure firm.


  • Work your way back in small sections, always using your fingertips for massaging. Don't neglect the area around your ears. Remember, this is a scalp massage, so keep your fingers on your scalp, not on top of your hair. if you begin massaging your hair, you can end up with excess tangles.
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  • Focus on one section at a time on either side of the head, working all the way back to the nape of the neck. Take your time and don't rush through the massage. If you're in a rush, it's best to wait until you have ample time to devote to this; otherwise, you probably won't enjoy it as much because you'll be too busy worrying about the time.


    • Enjoy the relaxed feeling that a scalp massage gives you!

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