How to Rank Higher in Google – Secret Tips for 2023

I have had several successful websites over the years- I thought I would help out with you all with these simple tricks. The secret is 'old skool' blogging - sadly , with the digital world, we also need to do everything we can and not pay for marketing! Yep. There are people who will pay for backlinks (don't do it! it is a scam!) - you have to keep working and working and working. You might not have profit yet but in a few months to a year, with all the hard work you put into your website, you will see profits- key words: "Just . Have. Patience." 

Many website will tell you "how to rank higher in google" or "how to be number 1 on google" or "how to get on first place in google" and those website content is 100% correct- these are old school ideas that I am chiming in:

Target reasonable keywords

First and foremost, you need to know what you want to rank for. And of course, you want to rank for terms that your ideal customers are plugging into the search box. These are keywords, and you’ll need keyword research tools to identify what’s reasonable for you to rank for.

Don’t try to rank for a huge phrase at first

pick a smaller niche and get to be known as an expert there, and then build your way out and up - (very wise. The beauty about being the number 1 blog in a small niche is that you get a lot of inbound links virtually every time someone talks about the topic. This enables you to build up your authority both in the eyes of readers, other bloggers and search engines which in turn allows you to expand and perhaps even compete for some of the big terms)’

Controversial posts are sure to build links, but too many controversial posts may undermine your credibility.

I think you attract more links with a conversational style, humor, and doing your own research to produce new insights or tidbits of info - (I’ve written about this myself on a number of occasions. Controversy can have an impact in the short term but to sustain it can be difficult. If you want a sustainable blog you better be willing to back up those controversial posts with worthwhile content that stands on it’s own two feet).


In my opinion, just commenting on other blogs isn’t as useful.

Read this hot story:
The World has gone Bonkers- News Roundup for Thursday June 1st

There are a lot of ways to build a reputation, from having a great blog to producing a unique service to speaking at conferences. A single creative idea that catches fire in the social media world or other websites such as dailywire is probably more useful than just chasing/buying/trading links. Original information or research is great bait to attract link - (I agree but not completely with this one. There are some bloggers out there that do very well with link style blogs. It’s much much harder to make it big these days with this style of blogging though and most new blogs coming on the scene that are making it big are doing so with original content)

How ads are targeted to your site- this is not just for Adsense, this is for all ad companies

Google automatically delivers ads that are targeted to your content or audience. We do this in several ways:

Contextual targeting
Our technology uses such factors as keyword analysis, word frequency, font size, and the overall link structure of the web, in order to determine what a webpage is about and precisely match ads to each page.

Placement targeting
With placement targeting, advertisers choose specific ad placements, or subsections of publisher websites, on which to run their ads. Ads that are placement-targeted may not be precisely related to the content of a page, but are hand-picked by advertisers who've determined a match between what your users are interested in and what they have to offer.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):  If website owners need to know how to rank well in Google, where would you recommend they get solid information?

I think everyone should sit down with Google’s webmaster guidelines and just read it all. It will only take a couple hours, but the time is well worth it. Make sure you look at WMW

Remember, you don't have to pay to market your website, you can, but that is , in my opinion a waste of money.

More key things:

-Social Media Accounts

-link to pages within paragraph. So if I am writing a news article about Prince Harry, I will put it for Prince Harry Wikipedia page or use Prince Harry to tag with other articles on my site..

- Youtube! Important!

-Do you want to become a social media influencer? Well, today you need to! Find what works for you!

Don't give up on your passions my dear friend!

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