How to Make the Man of Your Dreams Want You

As the old saying goes, you have to be happy with yourself first before you can be happy with someone else. So check out our list to find out how to get that guy to want you.

Realize you are hot and own it. Play the part, tell yourself positive statements like ‘I know I’m hot’ and ‘why wouldn’t a great guy want me?’ These positive affirmations will eventually sink in and you will 100% begin to believe it. Once you believe it you will live it, and then you will attract the right kind of guy. Confidence is sexy and if you are confident without being crazy, men will flock to you, eventually leading you to the right man.

Invest in yourself. Everyone knows that men are attracted to beautiful women. The goal should be to take care of yourself, wear makeup, and get your hair cut. All of these are things most of us do anyway so it doesn’t hurt to keep up the routine. Whatever you do don’t give up on yourself. Always invest in your looks, mind, and body. These are tools and your strengths. Perhaps buy a new perfume that makes you smell delicious, smelling good will make you feel more confident too.

Don’t be afraid to laugh. Men love a woman that can make them laugh, and this doesn’t mean you have to learn a few generic jokes. Rather, be happy and positive and look for opportunities to show off your fantastic laugh. If a man sees how easy going and fun you are he will be even more attracted to you. In fact, a good sense of humor is often the most important quality a man looks for in a woman. Keep this in mind if you are on the hunt.

Read this hot story:
All the Single Ladies: Have You Heard This One Lately?

Practice good body language. Over 90% of all language is nonverbal, and if you want to attract a man you have to understand this. Focus on proper posture and eye contact as these are the two most important cues for men. Think of yourself as constantly on display and act in accordance. Remember Tyra Banks’ advice, use your smeye’s (meaning smile through your eyes). Once you get that nailed down you will have to fight the men off!

Men are simple creatures which makes our job as women easier. If you stay yourself with a few simple adjustments your attraction level will skyrocket, and men will flock to you!

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