‘If you all stay in the race, Trump wins’-out to help defeat the former president – yawn debate


If you watched the 2nd GOP primary Debate (I didn't...) The seven Republicans who participated in Wednesday night's chaotic second GOP primary debate were given a brutal dose of reality by moderator Dana Perino - and asked who would sacrifice themselves to defeat Donald Trump.

The Fox News host and former White House press secretary told the 2024 White House hopefuls it's 'now obvious' that 'former President Donald Trump wins the nomination' if they all stayed in the race.

Trump has completely dominated GOP primary polling - with the current Real Clear Politics Polling average showing him 42.2 points ahead of the second-place contender, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Trump was smart as he skipped the showdown at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California on Thursday and left the rest of the field battling to emerge as the best alternative for Republican voters. At the end of a night dominated by bickering and personal attacks, Perino used the elimination ceremony from the hit TV show Survivor to ask how they can unite to take down the frontrunner.

'So which one of you onstage tonight should be voted off the island?' Perino asked, instructing the Republican White House hopefuls to name the individual they most thought should drop out.

'I'm not going to do that, with all due respect, we're here, we're happy to debate, I think that that's disrespectful to my fellow competitors,' DeSantis said.

The other Republicans nodded in agreement.

'Then if you won't answer that question let me ask you this one - what is your mathematical path, Gov. DeSantis, in order to try to beat President Trump who has a commanding and enduring lead in this race?' 

The Florida governor, who hasn't been in spitting distance of Trump in surveys since March, responded: 'Polls don't elect presidents, voters elect presidents.' 

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DeSantis said he would take his case to voters in the early states - something that he's been doing in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada for months, and yet his numbers remain stagnant. 

Moderator Stuart Varney called out to former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, saying he thought that Christie had written a name down.  Christie answered in the negative.

'No, but I'll certainly tell you, look I think I'm the only one on this stage who's been clear about this - I'd vote Donald Trump off the island right now and the reason I'd vote him off the island, every person on this stage has showed the respect for Republican voters,' Christie argued. 

He continued, 'I have respect for every man and woman on this stage because they've ...' 

 'Vivek, put your hand down for a second would you? I've still got time dude, so chill out,' Christie said, aiming his ire at entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who got attacked onstage by several contenders. 

At one point former U.N. Amb. Nikki Haley told the 38-year-old, 'Honestly everytime I hear you I feel a little bit dumber from what you say.' 

Still, she refrained from voting him off the island. 

Ramaswamy, for his part, got the opportunity to be the final speaker at the second GOP debate and talked about how he thought Trump was an 'excellent president' but voters needed to look for a candidate who would take Trump's MAGA movement to the 'next level.' 

'So yes, I will respect Donald Trump and his legacy ... but will unite this country to take the America First agenda to the next level,' the entrepreneur said.