Dreading The Distance for Long Distance Relationship Advice

Dear Salty Vixen,

My girlfriend is going to college three hours away and I am completely lost without her. I don't know what to do in my spare time since she is gone. I am happy for her that she is going to school, but I just love her so much. How can I go on but still keep our relationship the same? -Dreading The Distance

Dear Dreading The Distance,
I'm not going to lie and tell you it will be easy. Long distance relationships are NOT for the faint-hearted. The good news is if you make it through this, you can make it through anything. Don't let yourself forget this when you're feeling down. To help keep your mind off of the distance and time apart try a few of these ideas.

1) Set At Least Three Future Dates When You Will See Each Other Next
Use those as mini stepping-stones. Instead of focusing on how long she will be away, you can focus on the fact you only have so many days to see her again.

2) Try To Keep In Some Form Of Daily Contact
Absence doesn't always make the heart grow fonder. Make sure you're both real to each other by keeping in contact about your day-to-day life.

3) Do The Unexpected
Being apart gives you even more opportunities to do something unexpected. Boredom and routine can easily set in with a distance relationship. Make sure you're keeping her on her toes with unexpected romantic gestures such as an unexpected visit, a balloon filled room or a care package.

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4) Create A Love Ritual
Many long distance couples attribute their closeness and success to love rituals. A common one is doing a similar action at the same time everyday such as staring at a particular group of stars. Creating a love ritual will help keep you feeling connected to each other during your time apart.


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