No police investigation for Prince Andrew After Being Named in Jeffrey Epstein court papers

Prince Andrew, the Duke of York has messed up Royally with his connection to Jeff Epstein. I have said this many times over the years, the rich, famous and Royalty think they get away with things they do, not thinking that someone is documenting things.

That is why we have history. In fact, when I was a non-playing member at a polo club in England, I was sexually assaulted on a polo field during a "Polo Ball" (read my story here), it happened 18 June 2004. I was told not to report it and many women from that time had been sexually assaulted or harassed from that group and we were told not to say a word. That is why the rich and famous got away with things they did all these years. I kept documentation, wrote everything down and yes I know the name of the person who sexually assaulted me, a name I will never publicly say but he is best friends with some famous people in England and that is all I will say on that matter. 

I have personally met Prince Andrew in the summer of 2004 at a polo match, Guards Polo Club to be exact. I thought he was nice but then again you never know how a person is behind closed doors. With that said, let's put the rumors to rest. So far, no investigation has been launched after Prince Andrew was among scores of people named as associates of Jeffrey Epstein in court papers unsealed by a US court, the Met Police have said.

The newly unsealed court documents name dozens of Epstein's associates, although many of them are not accused of any wrongdoing.

In one document, a woman named Johanna Sjoberg claimed, while giving testimony in May 2016, that the Duke of York had touched her breast while sitting on a couch inside the US billionaire's Manhattan apartment in 2001.

Read this hot story:
Jeffrey Epstein Full List of Names and Court Documents- We have them!

Buckingham Palace has previously said the allegations are "categorically untrue".

After the documents were unsealed, Republic, a pressure group calling for the abolition of the monarchy, reported Prince Andrew to the police.

The group's chief executive, Graham Smith, urged the Met to open an investigation - and called on the King to make a public statement on the matter.

Mr Smith said: "To date, there appears to have been no serious criminal investigation, no interview of the accused or other witnesses, and no clear justification for taking no action."

A statement by the Met said: "We are aware of the release of court documents in relation to Jeffrey Epstein.

"As with any matter, should new and relevant information be brought to our attention we will assess it.

"No investigation has been launched."

Epstein, a disgraced financier, had been accused of abusing underage girls as young as 14. In 2019, he was found dead in his cell at a federal jail in Manhattan while he awaited trial on sex trafficking charges.

Ghislaine Maxwell is currently serving a 20-year prison sentence after being convicted of helping recruit and groom teenagers for Epstein to molest.

Prince Andrew has strenuously denied all allegations against him in the past. In 2022, he settled a civil case out of court with Virginia Giuffre after she claimed she was sexually assaulted by the prince when she was 17 years old.

That settlement, which was reported to be as much as £12m, carried no admission of guilt. Buckingham Palace, which no longer speaks on behalf of the duke after he stepped down as a working royal in 2019 over his friendship with Epstein, has not commented on the documents.