Siren Secrets

Getting and keeping a man’s love and affection is an art, one that sirens throughout history have mastered perfectly. Read on for all the tips and rules you will ever need to keep your inner-siren sitting pretty.

Exercise is at the top of every siren’s list, and should be at yours as well. A flabby bum isn’t good for your self esteem, and it detracts from your attractiveness, so get rid of it. Even more important than the aesthetic consequences of exercise, or lack of it, is the physical reactions your body has to it. Increased energy and stamina, releases endorphins (happy chemicals in your brain that decrease pain), and cuts down on stress hormones.

Have fun.
To show a man a good time, you’d better know how. Workaholic women (whether it be in an office or at home) lose that fun-loving spark that keeps a man excited. It is impossible to keep the attention of a man if you aren’t any fun. Get excited about your own life and they will line up to experience it with you.

Become Your Sexiest Self.
Revamp your closet with brutality; leave nothing un-sexy behind. Get a sexy hair cut, start wearing lip gloss all of the time, and read a romance novel to fill your brain with sexy thoughts. The result of giving yourself a make-over like this is that you feel sexier. Whatever you are feeling, others will as well.

Once you’ve landed the man of your dreams, acquiring the skills of a siren is even more important. Keep your man doting after you for years to come by adding a few second stage secrets to your tool belt.

Read this hot story:
How to Become the Ultimate Temptress

Affirm his worthiness.
Tell him when you are pleased with him, for little things and big ones, too. It will remind both of you just how blessed you are to have him in your life. It’s easy to forget how good you’ve got it when you’ve had it that way for a while.

Keep up the Illusion.
Getting hit with too much reality can break a man’s heart, so when you feel like sharing your grief over a grossly long chin hair or toenail fungus with him, pick up the phone and call a friend instead. Letting your man hang onto his sweetly skewed perspective helps you to stay right where he wants you, on his imaginary pedestal of mysterious femininity.

Be his fantasy. least some of the time. Most of us want to be revered for our superior intellect, adored for our elegant-but-strong-and-goddess-like beauty, and desired because of our innate feminine power that effortlessly exudes from our very pores. While that is a good goal to have, but try fitting your man’s dream come true into your persona as well – the super hot sex machine. It’s just another hat in the closet. Wear it for him and then change it out.

Don’t just take the tips as a quick fix or trick. Embrace your womanly allure as a piece of your identity and live the life of your inner-siren.

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