Teacher Known as the ‘Orgasm Pope’ Fired By Her School District For Being A Sex Coach

As we all know, teachers do not have the best pay and many teachers I know have to have side jobs. This is what happened with this teacher who is known as "Orgasm Pope, an online sex coach Monika Rahel Ring found herself the subject of a dramatic excommunication… from her day job as an elementary school teacher.

Though Ring may have garnered quite the following with her social media side hustle — one aimed at helping older adults “come into the sacred space of sexuality,” per a translation of her Instagram bio  — the overlords at her day job were less-than-thrilled with this endeavor, firing her upon discovering her perplexing papal status.

""This decision was made after involving all the relevant parties, conducting the necessary investigations and after careful consideration," Alfred Klampfer, the Director of Education for Upper Austria, said of Ring, who had taught physical education since 2016."

But even with this confidence, Ring wasn’t buying these excuses, hiring a lawyer and taking the matter to court.

"I would have thought that a school board in the 21st century would be a bit more enlightened," Ring’s attorney reportedly said of the incident.

And it appears they’re not wrong. Though Ring may have done her damndest to keep her hustles separate, we can only hope that her former employers enroll in some of her classes — they clearly need them.

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