Tips for Planning the Week Before Valentine’s Day

Why limit Valentine's Day to just one day? Get your love ready for the big day by making it a huge affair while, at the same time, showing your love that they are someone incredibly special! Taking the time to show how much you really care can do wonders for a relationship! Imagine how surprised they'll be to start receiving their tokens of love a whole week early!!

A sure fire way to make this Valentine's Day memorable is to be in the right state of mind. (Also see Moodsetters Article). Be excited about it, and let your love know that you are!! The old saying, "The only thing more contagious than a yawn is a smile!" relates very well to this.

Love Notes...
A great way to build suspense and a romantic atmosphere is through love notes, quotes and poetry! A heartfelt sentiment can often mean more than the most elaborate gift! For some ideas, click here!

A Valentine A Day...
To let your love know you are planning a big Valentine's Day celebration, count down to the big day with small tokens of love. Below are some ideas on how to send a valentine a day to your special valentine...

  • Buy a box of children's valentines and write a sweet nothing on each one. Every day, hide one in a special place that you know your love will find.
  • Buy 7 small valentine tokens or gifts. Wrap each of them separately along with a special little love note to go with each one about why you love them. Give one to your love every day leading up to the big day!
  • A great idea for long distance relationships, or if you don't live together, is to buy seven valentine cards (or love related cards) and mail them so the first one arrives seven days before Valentine's Day, the next arrives six days before, and so on.
  • Leave a few candy conversation hearts around the table with dinner or desert to remind your love about the upcoming event.
  • Buy your love a new outfit for Valentine's Day.
  • Send your love to a health spa and/or beauty salon.
  • Drop hints all week about what you have in store - little gifts symbolizing what the surprise is. For extra fun, make it into a scavenger hunt.
  • Send 7 roses (or other type of flower) the first day, 6 the next etc… down to a single red rose the night before with a little note saying how much you love them and cannot wait for the next day.
  • Collect some memorabilia of your time together and give them to your love one at a time leading up to Valentine's Day, along with a note about why you thought that particular moment was special.
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Special Moments of Love
When you take the time to create a special moment, it's something that lasts forever. During your valentine week, create some special moments with your love that will make it even more memorable.

  • Give them love coupons that expire at midnight on Valentine's Day!
  • Every day, try a new kiss!
  • Make a cute nickname for your love and only call him or her by that name for the rest of the week
  • Remind yourself, and your love that, not only are you best-friends, husband and wife... but also lovers. Treat your love like you would your lover.
  • Make a holiday tradition... every time you go through a doorway together, kiss! Or, every time you say the same thing, also kiss!!
  • Sing a variation of "Happy Birthday", "Happy Seven Days Before Valentine's To You" and so on, as many times as you can throughout the day.
  • Make a commitment to each other to do one thing romantic and together every night before Valentine's Day, even if it's just to be alone and talk all night!
  • Give them 101 reasons why you love them!

On the 12th day of Valentine's...
Create a variation of the old Twelve Days of Christmas but apply it to Valentine's. Each day write a little card or note that says, "On the first day of Valentine's my true love gave to me..." then fill in the rest with what you are giving. It doesn't have to be a physical gift. It could be your heart, soul, happiness, kiss, etc... be creative!! When the twelve days are up, your love will feel completely showered by your love!!

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