Wait Silently in the Dark

She waited silently in the dark like he had asked her to do. She trusted him implicitly, that had gone without saying. So when he had asked her to go to the bedroom, pull back all the covers, strip off all her clothes, and then lie on her back in the dark, she did so.

The silence filled the house. She could see faint light coming from one of the front rooms, but no noise. Whatever he was doing, he was being very quiet about it.

She lay there for probably only 15 minutes, but in the silent black of the night, it had seemed an eternity. Her already stretched taut, aroused nerves were truly near an orgasmic height by now. Her eyes had strained against the dark for so long, that she had closed them. She believed she could hear better that way. Although, all was still silent in the house. The only sound was her own breath rasping in and out. Her nipples were now incredibly tight in the slight coolness of the room.

How she ached for him?

Why didn't he come to her?

And then her breath caught!

She heard his soft footsteps just down the hall, coming ever closer to her. She opened her eyes to see him enter the completely darkened bedroom, his handsome face lit by the candle he carried. She smiled nervously, waiting, and wondering what he had planned. She didn't have long to wait.

He set the candle, and something else she couldn't quite see on the tall stand next to the bed. She could see his soft golden brown eyes in the dim, flickering flame of the candle. His voice told her to close her eyes.

She did so again without reserve. And then she felt something very soft caress her cheek, just before she felt it covering her eyes. It was a silk scarf! And he had tied it around her head, covering her eyes. She tensed for a bit, and then she felt his fingers lightly caress her cheek, the side of her neck. She felt the tension flow back out of her body.

Then he spoke again, very softly, so she almost had to lift her head, straining to hear his words. "You must not remove the blindfold, until you feel that you absolutely cannot go another minute. Do you understand?"

In her mind she mimicked his words, wondering what he meant. But she answered yes while nodding her head. She felt the bed shift slightly under his weight, as he leaned one knee on the bed. He took both of her wrists in his hands, gently pulling them up over her head. He commanded her that she also must not move her hands until she absolutely felt she must. Again she nodded.

She felt him move from the bed. The silence again filled the truly dark room. Then she felt his hands on her ankles, gently spreading her legs. He tenderly commanded her to bend her knees. She did so without question, thinking to herself that she probably looked a site, but she was getting incredibly aroused by all of this, and he hadn't even touched her sexually yet. Again, several long moments of silence, and then she sensed his presence at the side of the bed, but not on it. She tensed as she waited.

And then it came.

She felt a warm drop of something, ping her skin along her breastbone. She felt it as it flowed softly, slowly, warmly across her skin. But just as it was cooling, another drop plopped onto her right nipple. She couldn't prevent the gasp that escaped her lips, nor the jerking in surprise of her body, but she didn't move her hands. She could feel her right nipple tighten as the drop of moisture cooled in the night air. And almost simultaneously with when her right nipple was cooled off, the heated drop hit her left nipple this time. Dear Lord, she thought, what is happening? She could feel her nerves tightening with sexual tension and the feeling of waiting for the unknown. Then she felt his large warm palms surrounding her breasts, and begin firmly squeezing them, caressing them. Her lips parted as her sigh of desire rushed past them. She couldn't stop the squirming movement of her hips. She heard his soft chuckle….

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Yes, he could always tell when she was getting aroused. He removed his hands from her hot body. And her skin cooled at the loss of his warmth. She wasn't sure, but she thought he had moved to the bottom of the bed. And then she knew for sure as his hands ran caressingly over her inner thighs, up to her smoothly shaven pussy. She heard his soft laugh as he felt her moisture already dampening her pussy lips. She felt him coming closer, and closer. She couldn't stop her hips lifting off the bed towards him yearningly. He parted her dewy lips, seeking her bud of desire. And he surprised her yet again, as his tongue touched her hot clitoris. He had been sucking on a piece of ice.

She gasped in delight and wonder at the sensations he was arousing in her. For how long she was lost in a sea of sensual sensations, she had no idea. But she soon became aware that the cold hot had become hot, and then it had abruptly stopped. She shifted restlessly, moving her feet, hips squirming uncontrollably, searching for his loving touch again. The silence in the room again overwhelmed her, as she became more aware again of the room and her surroundings, and less of her intense sexual needs.

And then, it started again.

A drop of moisture, heated warmth this time, that fell onto her smooth, ooh so sensitive shaven pussy. She gasped in surprise, but lay there quietly, savoring the sensations his gentle love play was arousing in her. Another drop came, and this time she moaned in reply as the liquid ran down over her lips, seeking out her sensitive nerve endings. Again he paused in his exquisite torture of her nerves. He watched her squirming in desire, knowing her passion was rising quickly. He slowly filled his large palm with the warmed oil, then he oh so gently, cupped his palm over her pussy, and began massaging the oil into the exquisitely aroused skin.  Her moans of desire rose quickly to gasps and soft cries of passion. On and on he smoothed the oil into the sensitive skin of her shaven pussy.

God, how she loved him, how he could make her feel more than she ever had before! And then, his fingers smoothed over her lips, and found her clitoris. The scream escaped her throat before she even knew it was there. He laughed softly at her obvious sexual passion from his touch. He worked her clit, stroking, rubbing, and flicking it. Until finally she could stand it no more, her hands threw off the blindfold and reached for him in one smooth swoop of movement. Her hot open lips engulfed his own so quickly, that she caught his surprised exclamation with her mouth. He covered her body with his own, taking their heated passion to a volcanic climax.

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