12 Steps to Better Sleep

From having occasional difficulty sleeping to insomnia, there is a lot you can do to get a better night's sleep, feel refreshed when you awake, and remain alert throughout the day. We all have trouble sleeping from time to time, but you can sleep better every night by following these 12 simple steps.

1) Maintain a regular sleep schedule. Get up at the same time each morning, regardless of the previous night’s sleep, to help set your biological clock.

2) To consolidate and deepen sleep, restrict the amount of sleep to only as much as needed to feel refreshed during the following day - usually 7-8 hours.

3) Arrange the bedroom so that it is a comfortable setting. Insulate it against sound and light by using carpets and curtains. Ear plugs and eye masks may be helpful.

4) Keep the room at a cool to moderate temperature. Excessive heat disturbs sleep.

5) Use the bedroom for sleeping and sexual activity only.

6) Turn off your phone.

7) Avoid liquids before going to sleep to minimize nighttime trips to the bathroom. If liquids are not a problem, try drinking warm milk at bedtime.

8) Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and caffeinated beverages, especially in the evening. Although alcohol may help you fall asleep, it causes subsequent sleep to be fragmented.

9) Avoid napping longer than one hour or after 4 pm.

10) Exercising regularly helps deepen sleep, but strenuous exercise should be completed no later than three hours before going to bed.

11) Try a relaxation techniques, such as, biofeedback, meditation, yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, or massage to prepare the mind and body for sleep.

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12) As far as possible, work out family or job-related problems before going to sleep.

It is becoming increasing clear how critical sound sleep is to your health and well-being, Many sleep problems go unrecognized for years, leading to unnecessary suffering, poor quality of life, accidents, and great expense. Following the 12 steps to better sleep can have a tremendous impact upon your overall health and quality of life.

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