7 Things to Expect When the Narcissist Knows You Have Figured Them Out

Are you someone who has identified a narcissist? Do you want to know how to deal with a narcissist? If you said yes to both these questions then keep scrolling down because we have just the solution you have been looking for.

Who is a narcissist?

A narcissist is someone who wants to protect their false image. Their real image is different from the one they have created in front of everyone. They feel they are superior and perfect in what they do and know. According to them, other people can never match their superiority level.

If they feel their false image is under threat, it becomes a situation of life or death for them. They start feeling exposed and feel they are losing control. They lack empathy and any feelings of guilt that can make them realize what harm they have caused to the other person.

Here is a list of the seven things that will hint at you having a narcissist in your life:


Gaslighting is a major red flag when it comes to realizing that you have a narcissist in your life. Narcissists usually hit you with gaslighting. Yes, you read that correctly. If you come up to them with a problem, they try to manipulate you and change your perception. If you go to them with a complaint regarding their behavior, they say that it is you who is causing the real trouble.

They will go to any lengths to prove that you are wrong about something. They will try to make you unsee their vicious cycle and prove you wrong. They will make sure that they make you feel like you are making a big deal out of nothing.

Gaslighting also involves confusing the other person. A narcissist would try their best to make sure that they confuse you by bringing up stories of the past and things that are not relevant to the problem at hand. They aim at making you second guess your choices and then shame you about the same.

If you have a narcissist partner, chances are that they might be love bombing you that is a form of gaslighting. With love bombing, they try every trick in the book to make sure that they cast a magic spell on you in the name of love.


One quality that you can identify a narcissist through is projection. They start blaming you for the things that they did wrong. They blame you for the abuse that they are putting you through. They want to project that you are the real culprit and not them.

In other words, you can identify them as someone who wants to blame you for their sins. They might even be calling you a narcissist, for all you know.

Using guilt

A narcissist does not shy away from using pity and guilt to get out of an awkward situation. For instance, one of their most favorite lines to use in between a discussion or a healthy argument is to keep reminding you of their heart and how they feel about you, for you.

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In this way, what they are trying to do is put you in an emotional trap where you start feeling guilty for the things, they have done to you.

They start giving you a sense of their life and how things have not been easy for them. Explaining your abusive behavior due to your life circumstances is not justified. A narcissist, on the other, would exactly do this to make sure you end up pitying them. They would ask for compassion and empathy when they have none.

Scaring you

Narcissists will try to scare you in multiple ways to prove their point. If you are a God-fearing person, they will use God to make sure they manipulate you according to plan and exploit you to the fullest. For instance, they might hold on to something precious you have and scare you continuously by mentioning that they will take it away from you.

If you are in a romantic relationship with them, they might end up threatening you to leave them. Do not let your love for them manipulate you.

Victim card

The victim card is the most used tactic in the book by a narcissist. They would try their level best to play the victim card and end up victim-shaming you. So, for instance, if they emotionally abuse you, they will make sure that you end up believing that their unreasonable behavior is because of you and that you are the real culprit.

If they feel the need, they might also use their childhood trauma as a victim card. Chances are that they might end up justifying everything that they are doing wrong to you on to their abusive childhood.

In the end, you will start questioning your behavior with them. It will make you feel that what they are doing to you is justified and they are the ones suffering.


If things start going south, they will use rage as another tactic to get control of you. Narcissist rage is quite common and narcissists use it all the time when they feel the other person is not falling into their trap. Keep a lookout for this sign.

Bullying you

Last but certainly not least, when all else fails, they might start bullying you. Bullying could be in multiple ways where they would threaten you and might even end up torturing you. If they find nothing against you, they could start using your past or the secrets that you shared with them. Another thing that narcissists do in the form of bullying is to ridicule you whenever they get a chance.

They will make you look stupid in front of other people and will use derogatory language to get to you.