9 Ways to Deal with Parents Who Don’t Like Your Partner

You have found someone you like. You went on a few dates and you want to introduce your boyfriend/girlfriend to your parents, thinking they will like that person! However, there are times your parents do not like them and this is how you deal with it in 9 ways:

  1. Don't lose your temper. They're your family; they have your best interest at heart. Try to put yourself in their shoes and see why it is that they oppose your partner.
  2. Ask, calmly, why it is that they dislike you being with your partner. Listen to the response, and think about it. They might have a good point.
  3. If you're an adult living on your own, tell them that you understand they are concerned, but ask that they respect your privacy.
  4. If you live with them, respect that it is their home. Compromise by not having your partner spend too much time there, not staying out too late with your partner, and not doing anything "questionable" in your parent's house.
  5. If you are convinced your partner has been misjudged, plan an evening at your house, or at a restaurant with your family and your partner. Remember not to make it last too long, and ask your partner to be on his or her best behavior (in a tactful way).
  6. If an argument breaks out, stay calm. Remember that it is your job to be the ambassador, not a lawyer. Try to defend both sides, and/or suggest that the conversation topic be changed, or that the evening come to an end.
  7. Ask both parties to be reasonable and keep an open mind.
  8. Try to explain to your parents that you love this person. Point out his or her good qualities when you can, but don't aggravate the situation by over-talking it.
  9. Don't lose your temper. This shows immaturity on your part and does nothing to change anyone's opinion about anyone, but you. Presenting your side of the case with maturity and tactfulness shows that you are thinking before making decisions and being rational.
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