The Seven Deadly Sins in Bed: Lust

Whenever I think about the seven deadly sins, my mind immediately wanders to the movie Se7en, starring Brad Pitt and sexy kitten Gwyneth Paltrow…so I had to include a picture of her for your viewing pleasure. Meow.

But enough about Gwynnie…let’s talk about the seven deadly sins, and how they relate to your sex life. Do you have a problem with pride? Sloth? Lust?

Over the next seven days, we’ll talk about the seven deadly sins and how to overcome them. Trust me, in one week, you’ll be having hotter sex with your leading lady or main man. And hotter sex? Well, that’s not a sin at all.

Let’s start with the sin that interests you all the most: Lust. Even the word sounds naughty, doesn’t it? There’s a great many people that will stand on a soapbox and tell you that any kind of sex other than done for procreation, is horrible, wrong, kinky, raunchy, evil stuff. You can believe what you want–there’s a reason human beings were created in a way that makes sex feel soooooo good. I believe we were meant to enjoy it.

So how can lust in bed be a bad thing? Well, lust takes on a different light when you’re in a committed relationship with someone but you find yourself thinking of other men or women (or both) all of the time. I’m not saying you shouldn’t look. We’re only human. And who here masturbates to his or her partner EVERY time? No one raising their hands on that one, I bet. Lust only becomes dangerous when that’s all you think about or if that’s what you imagine when you’re romping with your partner. If you can’t focus on your partner completely, especially when you’re actually going at it, you can’t have good sex.

Read this hot story:
Submitting Your Sexual Request- Seduction

Talk it out. You may be surprised. As well as your *think* you know your partner, the thought of threesomes or swinging might be a real turn-on. At least test the waters. Bring up the subject and see how he or she reacts. If you’re getting a green light, venture a bit farther and suggest that you check it out. Yellow light? Suggest role playing. It’s the next best thing to having sex with someone different.

Hundreds or maybe even thousands of couples find that a little deviant behavior actually helps them grow closer. You can stop lusting by giving into your lust. It doesn’t work for everyone, but hey, it’s either that or couple’s therapy…so it’s at least worth a shot, right?